Contra Krugman
Latest Episodes
Ep. 225 The Final Episode
On this final episode of Contra Krugman after nearly five years, we analyze Krugman's horrified response to state reopenings after the lockdowns.
Ep. 224 Krugman Bravely Comes Out Against Killing Workers
With his usual magnanimity, Krugman declares that the epidemiologists have been completely accurate in their warnings during the pandemic, whereas those who want to reopen the economy are trying to kill workers. Tom and Bob beg to differ.
Ep. 223 Krugman Unwittingly Agrees the Fed Has Driven Stock Market Since 2007
In his attempt to praise Powell and criticize Trump, Krugman admits that the "real economy" is in terrible shape, and that the stock market has done well only because of low interest rates and the Fed's emergency actions. Krugman says this pattern...
Ep. 222 Why Won't We Listen to the Experts?
Krugman is unhappy that the "right wing" is more apt to listen to people he considers quacks than to people he considers experts, and he says the COVID-19 problem is yet another example. We are unconvinced. Show notes for Ep. 222 - https://contrakrugman.c
Ep. 221 The Destructive Coronavirus Response, Cheered by Krugman
Guest co-host Richard Ebeling -- who was one of Bob's own economics professors -- joins me to discuss Krugman's qualified support for the $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill recently signed into law, and why we shouldn't be cheering. Show notes for Ep. 22
Ep. 220 Coronavirus Economics
This episode delves into all the key questions surrounding the economics of the coronavirus crisis: bailouts, Federal Reserve policy, payments to individuals, the effects of the shutdown, and more. Show notes for Ep. 220 -
Ep. 219 Krugman Wants Perpetual Deficits
In a perhaps surprising move for someone who said "deficits matter again" upon Trump's election, Krugman now makes the case for perpetual budget deficits in the range of 4% of GDP. This will facilitate much-needed "stimulus spending" in an era of weak gro
Ep. 218 We Need Financial Regulation, Says Krugman
What really matters, says Krugman, is financial regulation. And only Elizabeth Warren can deliver, because Bernie will expend his political capital on unwinnable issues, and Bloomberg's heart isn't in it. We respond, as usual. Show notes for Ep. 218 - htt
Ep. 217 Do Deficits Help Depressed Economies?
Krugman complains that during the Obama years, when deficit spending was desperately needed, obstructionist Republicans opposed it out of what they claimed was principle, but was mere spite. Now, he says, with a Republican in the White House, they couldn'
Ep. 216 Krugman Hearts Greta Thunberg
Krugman says Greta Thunberg is closer the economics mainstream than are her critics. Quite a few whoppers to deal with in this one, as you can surely imagine. Show notes for Ep. 216 -