Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Latest Episodes

Episode 98: The More of ObamaCare We Get, the Less We Like It
February 23, 2015

Seems like the more ObamaCare(tm) is implemented, the less the American people like it. First of all, a liberal, Ivy League university has sent its students into an uproar. They want to #FightTheFee that they'll be charged for not buying the university..

Episode 97: Spending on Nothing, and Schooling on Disagreement
February 09, 2015

In this episode, I talk about how the money spent on (literally) nothing will soon outpace defense spending, and not much later, non-defense spending as well. And no, it's not some right-wing think tank making that prediction. Also, is it possible to hav

Episode 96: Extending Unemployment Benefits Extends Unemployment, and Presidential Memoranda
February 02, 2015

Who would have thought that extending unemployment benefits further and further out would actually cause people to stop looking for work altogether? Well, actually, those who know that incentives (and disincentives) actually work; you know, market econ...

Episode 95: The State of the State of the Union Address, Extreme Circumstances for Abortion, and How Harvard Hates Its Own Health Care
January 26, 2015

More free stuff, and making the eeevil rich pay for it. The State of the Union Address was a rerun of so many other speeches by Democratic presidents. So then, what is the state of the State of the Union Address? There are some extreme medical circu...

Episode 94: Those Low Gas Prices, and Catch-And-Release(-And-Catch-Again) Terrorist Policy
January 12, 2015

How about those low gas prices? Who can we thank for them? Well, a number of people, none of which, however, are in the Obama administration. The "Drill, baby, drill" policy of the states have worked; something that Obama said was a lie. - But first,

Episode 93: My Christmas Wishes for You
December 18, 2014

I'm a little under the weather, and my voice sounds like it. But one more episode for 2014. - I celebrate Christmas, and it's interesting to see how so much of the world also celebrates it, while giving the religion from which it comes such a hard tim...

Episode 92: Another Peek Behind the Media Curtain, and Some Personal Reflections
November 24, 2014

Sharyl Attkisson is the kind of reporter that you would think an adversarial press would love to have and spotlight. She was, in the words of two of her former bosses, CBS Evening News executive producers Jim Murphy and Rick Kaplan, a “pit bull.” Bu

Episode 91: The 2014 Republican Mid-Term “Wave”
November 10, 2014

The 2014 mid-term elections have been called a “wave” for the Republicans by some pundits. Call it what you will, it was certainly a great night for the GOP, and much more so than a typical mid-term. By some measures, the change was historic. I'll ta

Episode 90: The Catholic Church, the Bible, and Gays
October 27, 2014

If you think it sounds like this episode is going to delve more into religion that it has up until this point, you have a discerning ear. But when I started this podcast, I promised you a take on these issues that you might not have heard elsewhere. So, d

Episode 89: Leon Panetta vs Obama’s War Policies, the Do-Nothing Congress, and Name That Quote!
October 20, 2014

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has accused Republicans in the House of Representatives of obstruction by not passing bills. What he's not saying (and what you're not hearing, depending on your source of news) is that there are hundreds of bills they've