Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Latest Episodes

Episode 108: Jenner’s Gender; Genetics and Psychology
June 08, 2015

Jenner's Gender; Genetics and Psychology

Episode 107: If You Knew Then What You Know Now…
June 01, 2015

If You Knew Then What You Know Now...

Episode 106: How One-Party Rule Has Affected Cities
May 25, 2015

How One-Party Rule Has Affected Cities

Episode 105: What’s Your Opinion of Opinion Polling?
May 18, 2015

What's Your Opinion of Opinion Polling?

Episode 104: Gravity Payments CEO Weighs In On the Minimum Wage
May 04, 2015

CEO Dan Price of Gravity Payments decided to raise the wages of all his employees to a minimum of $70,000. But it's too early to celebrate.

Episode 103: The State of Journalism, and What RFRA Doesn’t Protect
April 27, 2015

Another media reporter, Lisa Meyers, has spoken out on the problem she sees in her former profession; journalism. While she may not have al the same issues as Sharyl Attkisson had, her concern is very similar. The media are taking sides.

Episide 102: Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act
April 06, 2015

Indiana has come under intense fire from the Left for passing a law just like one that Bill Clinton signed in 1993, and was supported by conservative Christian groups, the ACLU, and People for the American Way, among other unlikely allies.

Episode 101: Net Neutrality and Why the FCC Rules Don’t Create It
March 30, 2015

Didn't the recent rules by the FCC guarantee net neutrality for all, forcing Internet Service Providers to treat all traffic equally? No, not really. And the classic example that people use to explain why net neutrality was necessary -- the Comcast/Net...

Episode 100: Listener Feedback, and Mark Twain on Economics
March 16, 2015

Well, I made it all the way to episode 100! If you've been listening, thanks so much. If you haven't, might as well start now. - I start out the show with greetings and feedback from listeners. Yes, there are people out there actually listening to this,

Episode 99: Call It “Islamic Extremism”, and Collegian Scott Walker
March 09, 2015

The Right got upset when the summit was called "Countering Violent Extremism", not mentioning the very real, global threat we face today; Islamic extremism. What's in a name? Well, if you won't call it by name,