Consciously Healthy

Consciously Healthy

Latest Episodes

May 17, 2016

If you are curious to learn more about the most popular diets at the moment join us today as we discuss the differences between the two approaches.

How To Read Labels On Food Packets
May 10, 2016

Today we are looking at cereal and other food labels to help understand how to break down the information spin that makes the product appear healthy but the reality can be altogether different.

How to learn to make peace with our symptoms
May 03, 2016

Join us as we talk about making peace with our symptoms – asking questions about how the medical model deals with these and how our symptoms may be holding us back.

How To Cope With Frustrations And Obstacles In Our Life
April 26, 2016

Join us today as we discuss how to process the frustrations and limitations that we face in every day life. We will share our top tips on how to trust that it is all going to work out ok and what to do in the meantime.

How To Cope With Frustrations And Obstacles In Our Life
April 19, 2016

Join us today as we discuss how to process the frustrations and limitations that we face in every day life. We will share our top tips on how to trust that it is all going to work out ok and what to do in the meantime.

What Does Good Exercise Look Like… Guest Olly Hermon Taylor
March 10, 2016

Today we are joined by Olly Hermon Taylor of Lean Green Human Being discussing how to build the foundation of health and the sustainability of exercise that sees lasting benefits.

Is Coffee Bad for Me?
March 08, 2016

Do you wake up craving that first cup of coffee? Today we are talking about new research that suggests certain chemicals that can only be found in coffee are actually rather beneficial.  Fresh ground coffee contains a large dose of antioxidants as well...

How Can I Get Better Sleep?
March 03, 2016

Do you struggle to switch your brain off at night? Or fall asleep easily only to awake in the night? Join us today as we share our top tips and practices  on how to sleep better including some yummy bedtime snacks.

Are Health Food Shops Healthy
March 01, 2016

Marketing can and does play a huge role in how we view the products we buy. We are delving a little deeper today and talking about how we, as consumers can shop smarter and navigate our way successfully around the shopping aisles.

Why Are We Often Attracted To The Wrong Men?
February 25, 2016

Do you always find yourself falling for the wrong man? Today we are talking about these connections and the keys questions to ask yourself when starting a new relationship.