The Concession Stand

Latest Episodes
#57 Film Franchise Fatalities
Are we reaching the end of some of the biggest film franchises out there? If so, are we upset about it?Nick & Andy roundtable about the current slate of Franchises, how long they've been going on for, and what the industry looks like next!Get your of
#56 The State of the Superhero Movie
As we close out 2017 with yet another pair of Superhero comic book movies, Nick & Andy reflect on the State of the Superhero movie.
#55 Happy Thanksgiving!
Nick & Andy set aside the usual show format and take a moment to share what they're thankful for in 2017!
#54 Justice League Review
Nick & Andy weigh-in with a spoilerific review of JUSTICE LEAGUE!
Nick & Andy watched the new documentary on HBO by Susan Lacy, aptly titled SPIELBERG, chronicling the life and career of one of our favorite directors, Steven Spielberg.
#52 Box Office Busted & Disney + FOX
We're tackling the movie theater experience, and how cratering box offices are leading to massive changes in the movie theater industry!
#51 Thor Ragnarok Review [SPOILERS]
Nick & Andy have both seen Thor Ragnarok and present to you their very spoiler-ific review!
#50 Interview with Sir Ian Dangerous on Halloween Horror History
Sir Ian Dangerous from the Busted Wide Open podcast joins us to discuss all things from slashers, creature features, and other various subgenres from the 80's, how things have progressed since then, and where they're going from here!
#49 Disney & Movies Anywhere
Disney ends one service to start another, and the consumer beats the game!
#48 The Last Jedi & Blade Runner 2049
Nick & Andy review both the final Last Jedi trailer that debuted during Monday Night Football, and after seeing Blade Runner 2049 give their full review of the film and key takeaways!