The Concession Stand

Latest Episodes
#66 Brooklyn Nine-Nine & TV Cancellations
We cover the lifecycle of a television show, and some of the inner-workings you might not be aware of when it comes to how TV gets made!
#65 Disney Domination
Disney is kinda running the world now when it comes to entertainment, but we don’t often hear their name associated with properties you’d expect, like Marvel or Lucasfilm.
#64 [Review] Avengers Infinity War
Nick & Andy break down and review AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR!
#63 Avengers Infinity War & MCU Viewing Order
Avengers Infinity War is out this weekend, so Nick & Andy created their own official viewing order of the entire MCU to-date!
#62 Rampage & The Disaster Movie Revival
Rampage, the latest giant action movie with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, is based on a video game but we feel it falls into a much more important genre: The Disaster Movie.
Nick & Andy give their spoilerific review of Steven Speilberg's latest pop culture masterpiece, READY PLAYER ONE!
#60 Netflix & The Oscars
After much swirling controversy surrounding Netflix, the Oscars, and comments made by several A-List directors, we thought it apropos to weigh-in ourselves on what should and should-not qualify a film for the ability to be nominated for an Oscar.
#27 Bittersweet Liberty
This episode is all about a revolution that doesn’t get much press: The Haitian Revolution.
#59 Mercy Christmas & Interview with Director Ryan Nelson
MERCY CHRISTMAS has made its official VOD debut, and we have the director of the film Ryan Nelson in the Concession Stand studio to talk about his journey as an independent filmmaker!
#58 Star Wars The Last Jedi Review [SPOILERS]
Star Wars: The Last Jedi has officially arrived! Nick & Andy give their spoiler-filled full analysis of the latest installment of the Skywalker saga!