ColemanNation - Season 3: Ron Coleman's Unfinished Business

ColemanNation - Season 3: Ron Coleman's Unfinished Business

Latest Episodes

“One Man in His Time”
January 16, 2023

Modern-day theater impresario Brian Clowdus has played many parts in his artistic and political journeys.

“Joe McBride’s Mission”
January 09, 2023

After his brothers wrongful conviction and imprisonment, Joe McBride dedicated his life to criminal defense. Now hes representing January 6th defendants that the system has punished before theyve e

“The Quest of Stealth Jeff”
December 26, 2022

No one seemed to trust the plan more than Brian Cates, once known on Twitter as Stealth Jeff [Sessions]. As active as ever, though, Cates has learned from his experiences, ...

“Repairing Elections from the Bottom Up”
December 19, 2022

When Cleta Mitchell started the Election Integrity Network, she knew it had to attack problems with the broken electoral system at the grassroots. Its working, but the labor has just ...

“We Didn’t Make it for You”
December 12, 2022

Washington insider Jeff Ballabon explains why reforming the Republican National Committee will be an uphill battle no matter who heads it, and how the Anti-Defamation League has become an engine ...

“The Return of Wrongspeak”
December 05, 2022

ColemanNation may not have been the first podcast to feature Adam Coleman, but it was up there. Now he returns, triumphant the black victor he writes about, and just ...

“Beyond Fusionism”
November 28, 2022

Israeli-American scholar Yoram Hazony is known as the leading light of national conservatism. His new book, Conservatism, goes further to propose a unified field theory for conservatives in a time .

“Wax Roots Politics”
November 16, 2022

Gavin Wax, leader of the New York Young Republican Club, has been a star at rebuilding the GOPs cadres, grassroots efforts and prestige in the Empire State. In this episode ...

“Freiheit at Liberty”
November 07, 2022

Canadian lawyer David Freiheit has become one of North Americas leading video legal commentators as Viva Frei. If its true that liberty means the right to tell people what they ...

“The Other Menken”
October 31, 2022

Rabbi Yaakov Menken wants the world to know that the speaking as a Jew people are speaking for themselves. Jewish sensibility, he explains, is pretty much conservative sensibility. And he ...