Coffee with The Couple Cure

Coffee with The Couple Cure

When Marriage Counselors Divorce (Season 5 intro) – 5.00

February 02, 2024

In this video, we discuss a difficult topic, so if you’re not up for that right now, feel free to come back later. But it’s happened often enough over the last several years we thought we would cover it. And that hard reality is this: marriages in this particular helping community have been ending, or there’s been hidden relapse. It’s a serious topic, but we strive to give you some hope.


0:00 Intro
0:10 How this season will go
1:41 Marriages in this field are ending (relapsing)
2:17 Jay’s sobriety/our update (how to help)
5:15 If that happened to us (recovery is more than the addiction)
7:46 Regarding those relationships that have ended
8:33 Our marriage therapists divorced
9:24 Solution: avoiding complacency
10:21 Solution: a critical step (healthy community)
10:55 How we strive to help
11:45 Lori’s answer to: It must be so romantic
12:33 What we hope to give you this season (have questions?) - Jay and Lori's website - Lori's site for betrayed partners - Jay's site for porn addiction recovery
