Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

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Ep. 53: The "wild ride" being a 2018 Teacher of the Year - Class Dismissed
June 10, 2018

A Huge Honor The National Teacher of the Year Program began in 1952 and is one of the most prestigious national honors programs for educators. - Annually, the Council of Chief State School Officers brings together every State Teacher of the Year for ...

Episode 52: What we’re doing wrong in math education with Dr. Jo Boaler - Class Dismissed
June 03, 2018

The "math person" myth Far too frequently educators hear students say "I'm not a math person". Children, and even adults convince themselves that they're "built" for other subjects like history or the arts and math is just not their thing. - Dr.

Episode 51: Replacing detention with meditation - Class Dismissed
May 27, 2018

When teachers at Robert W. Coleman Elementary in Baltimore are struggling with a students' behavior, the educators have an alternative to detention. They can refer the student to meditation. - The Holistic Life Foundation keeps three staff members in ...

Ep 50: GeoGebra: Free math apps that level the playing field worldwide - Class Dismissed
May 20, 2018

GeoGebra's mission is simple. They want to put dynamic mathematics software in the hands of students everywhere. - They offer graphing calculators, geometry applications and math-based augmented reality apps. Their products are available on, iOS,

Ep. 49: The best way to show a teacher appreciation​ is free - Class Dismissed
May 13, 2018

Once a year, parents and students scramble to find gifts for teachers to honor them during teacher appreciation week. Starbucks gift cards, mugs, cupcakes, gift cards for more school supplies. They're all things that teachers love to have and without a...

Ep 48: The endangered art of storytelling in the classroom - Class Dismissed
May 06, 2018

Storytelling is one of the original methods of sharing experiences and lessons. A well-told story can grab a person's attention and help the listener absorb complex details. - Catherine Heinemeyer is a postdoctoral researcher and arts practitioner at ...

Episode 47: Is Adobe Spark right for my classroom? - Class Dismissed
April 28, 2018

Spark in the Classroom Adobe Spark has been around for about four years, but recently, Adobe made a big push to gear their product towards education. - Dr. Monica Burns is an EdTech Consultant and founder of the Class Tech Tips Website and has been w...

Episode 46: Make Fortnite a vehicle for your classroom lessons - Class Dismissed
April 21, 2018

Packed with alliteration, math, and geography Teens and tweens around the world are hooked on Fortnite. When kids are not in school, they're rushing home to hop on their Xbox or PlayStation to play one of the most popular video games in years.

Episode 45: Educating on YouTube - Class Dismissed
April 14, 2018

How one teacher grew his YouTube audience Back in 2009, Matt Beat began posting social studies lessons on YouTube. His goal was to inspire and educate his students. - "It was never meant for anyone other than my students in real life," said Beat.

Episode 44: This teacher simulated a dictatorship in her class. The students pushed back. - Class Dismissed
April 07, 2018

When she teaches the book "1984" she turns her class into a totalitarian regime. Just before Dina Leygerman teaches George Orwell's, "1984" to her seniors, she runs a simulation. Much like the book, she transforms her class into a totalitarian regime....