Citizen Church Podcast

Citizen Church Podcast

Latest Episodes

The Nature of Revival - The Revival
April 07, 2024

God is up to something. There is a stirring within the global church to rise up and to bring heaven to earth. There is a renewal, an awakening, a hunger to see His Kingdom come. On earth as it is in

Because He Lives - Easter Messages
March 31, 2024

"He is risen! He is not here!" Because Jesus Christ has risen, we have peace, his power, and his promise. Watch the full sermon to understand the power of the resurrection!

Two Processions - Moments with Jesus
March 24, 2024

.See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. Zechariah 9:9 Watch Pastor Galens message on Palm Sunday and Jesus trium

A Defining Moment - Moments with Jesus
March 17, 2024

The Bible is full of stories of encounters with Jesus. Each story unique and beautiful in its own respect. Each interaction with Him, never the same. In this new series, were going to be diving into

This is Your Moment - Moments with Jesus
March 10, 2024

The Bible is full of stories of encounters with Jesus. Each story unique and beautiful in its own respect. Each interaction with Him, never the same. In this new series, were going to be diving into

A Moment of Writing in the Sand - Moments with Jesus
March 03, 2024

The Bible is full of stories of encounters with Jesus. Each story unique and beautiful in its own respect. Each interaction with Him, never the same. In this new series, were going to be diving into

From One Moment to the Next - Moments with Jesus
February 25, 2024

The Bible is full of stories of encounters with Jesus. Each story unique and beautiful in its own respect. Each interaction with Him, never the same. In this new series, were going to be diving into

Waiting on a Resurrection Moment - Moments with Jesus
February 18, 2024

The Bible is full of stories of encounters with Jesus. Each story unique and beautiful in its own respect. Each interaction with Him, never the same. In this new series, were going to be diving into

Come To Jesus Moment - Moments with Jesus
February 11, 2024

The Bible is full of stories of encounters with Jesus. Each story unique and beautiful in its own respect. Each interaction with Him, never the same. In this new series, were going to be diving into

Can You See It? - Topical Teachings
February 04, 2024

It's rally Sunday! Pastor Dustin preached on how we see the world is how it dictates our life. We are either nearsighted, farsighted, or we can be clear sighted.