CIO Podcast by Healthcare IT Today

CIO Podcast by Healthcare IT Today

CIO Podcast - Episode 14: Steven Ramirez on Healthcare Security Buy-in and Balance

August 30, 2021

For the 14th episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we sat down with Steven Ramirez, CISO at UofL Health. Outside of COVID, my guess is that security threats is the topic that most keeps CIOs up at night.

In this episode, Ramirez shares some of the ways he’s had success getting support for his security efforts. Plus, more importantly he talks about the need for doing a continuous assessment of his organization’s IT security practices and areas of risk and how he approaches this with limited resources. Ramirez also shares how he tries to stay up to date on the latest security technology and practices.

If you’re a CIO or CISO at a healthcare organization, you’ll enjoy this episode on getting buy-in for security efforts and balancing all the competing priorities.

Here’s a look at the questions and topics we discuss on this episode:
* What’s been your key to successfully getting support for security efforts from the CIO and Board?
* What area of security are healthcare organizations not placing enough emphasis on that has you worried for them?
* How do you balance having a desire for continuous assessment of IT security practices and areas of risk with limited resources?
* What’s something a CIO doesn’t know about security that they should know?
* How do you ensure you’re delivering new security technology approaches and next generation solutions? What do you do to stay up to date on the latest solutions and approaches?
* In your career, what’s been the best piece of advice you’ve been given?