CIO Podcast by Healthcare IT Today

Latest Episodes
CIO Podcast - Episode 91: Sustainability Through Technology with Her Excellency Dr. Mubaraka Ibrahim
For the 91st episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we are joined by Her Excellency Dr. Mubaraka Ibrahim, CEO of AI and Acting CIO at Emirates Health Services to talk about sustaina
CIO Podcast - Episode 90: AI Use Cases with Barry Stein
For the 90th episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we are joined by Barry Stein, MD, MBA, VP and Chief Clinical Innovation Officer at Hartford HealthCare to talk about AI use cases
CIO Podcast - Episode 89: Healthcare IT Data with John Lee
For the 89th episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we are joined by John Lee, MD, FAAEM, FAMIA, FHIMSS, Founder at HIT Peak Advisors and Former CMIO to talk about healthcare IT dat
CIO Podcast - Episode 88: A Healthcare Perspective on Southern California Wildfires with Ray Lowe
For the 88th episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we are joined by Ray Lowe, SVP and CIO at AltaMed to talk about the wildfires in Southern California. As an LA native, Lowe gives
CIO Podcast - Episode 87: CHIME and KLAS Synergy Awards with Jeffrey Sturman
For the 87th episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we are joined by Jeffrey Sturman, Senior Vice President and Chief Digital Information Officer at Memorial Healthcare System to ta
CIO Podcast - Episode 86: Cybersecurity Needs with Kate Pierce
For the 86th episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we are joined by Kate Pierce, Senior vCISO and Executive Director of Govt Affairs at Fortified Health Security and a Former CIO a
CIO Podcast - Episode 85: Epic Cloud Migration with Tim Calahan
For the 85th episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we are talking about migrating Epic to the cloud with this episodes special guest, Tim Calahan, MS, MBA, DBA, Chief Technology O
CIO Podcast - Episode 84: AI Champion with Avi Sharma
For the 84th episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we are joined by Avi Sharma, MD, Radiologist and Director of AI at Jefferson Einstein to talk about AI! We kick this episode off
CIO Podcast - Episode 83: Health Equity with Leigh Williams
The 83rd episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today was recorded at the MEDITECH Live conference! We were joined by Leigh Williams, Assistant CIO at Augusta Health, to talk about health
CIO Podcast - Episode 82: Mental Health with Erin Osbourn
For the 82nd episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we are joined by Erin Osbourn, Chief Information Officer at Child Mind Institute, to talk about mental health! We kick this episo