CIO Podcast by Healthcare IT Today

CIO Podcast - Episode 91: Sustainability Through Technology with Her Excellency Dr. Mubaraka Ibrahim
For the 91st episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we are joined by Her Excellency Dr. Mubaraka Ibrahim, CEO of AI and Acting CIO at Emirates Health Services to talk about sustainability through technology! We first kick this episode off by taking a look at how Dr. Ibrahim and her team have been approaching digital transformation. Then we discuss how to look at sustainability from a healthcare perspective and Dr. Ibrahim shares what she is currently doing to make healthcare more sustainable through technology. Next, we talk about the huge investments in AI the UAE is making as Dr. Ibrahim gives us some examples of how she is using AI in healthcare. Lastly, we conclude this episode with Dr. Ibrahim giving her advice to other female CIOs or aspiring female CIOs.
Here’s a look at the questions and topics we discuss in this episode:
- How are you and your team approaching digital transformation?
- How do you look at sustainability from a healthcare perspective? What are you doing to make healthcare more sustainable through technology?
- UAE is making huge investments in AI, what are some examples of how you’re using AI in healthcare?
- We always like to end with some career advice, what advice would you give other female CIOs or aspiring female CIOs?
Now, without further ado, we’re excited to share with you the next episode of the CIO Podcast by Healthcare IT Today.
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