CIO Podcast by Healthcare IT Today

CIO Podcast by Healthcare IT Today

CIO Podcast - Episode 87: CHIME and KLAS Synergy Awards with Jeffrey Sturman

December 30, 2024

For the 87th episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we are joined by Jeffrey Sturman, Senior Vice President and Chief Digital Information Officer at Memorial Healthcare System to talk about their recent wins of the CHIME and KLAS Synergy Award! We kick this episode off with Sturman sharing what it means to him and his organization to have won the KLAS Arch Pinnacle Award focused on EHR User Experience and the CHIME Digital Health Most Wired (9 or above) focused on Digital Health Innovation Award which combined won them the CHIME and KLAS Synergy award. Then we talk about what it took to achieve these awards and why other CIOs should strive to earn them with their own teams. Next, Sturman shares what he heard from clinicians during this process as well as what he did after learning from them. We then talk about how Sturman leverages the EHR and other IT and AI to both meet his current needs and prepare for his future needs. Next, we discuss the other efforts Sturman has been working on that are making an impact. Lastly, we conclude this episode with Sturman sharing the best piece of advice he’s gotten in his career.

Here’s a look at the questions and topics we discuss in this episode:

  • What does it mean to you and your organization to win the CHIME and KLAS Synergy Award (KLAS Arch Pinnacle Award and CHIME Digital Health Most Wired (9 or above))?
  • What did it take to achieve these awards? Why should other CIOs strive to work with their teams to earn them?
  • What did you hear from clinicians in the process? What are some of the things you did after learning from them?
  • How are you leveraging the EHR and other IT and AI to meet your needs? How are they preparing you for future needs?
  • What are some of the other efforts you’re working on that are making an impact?
  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten in your career?

Now, without further ado, we’re excited to share with you the next episode of the CIO Podcast by Healthcare IT Today.

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