CIO Podcast by Healthcare IT Today

CIO Podcast - Episode 84: AI Champion with Avi Sharma
For the 84th episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we are joined by Avi Sharma, MD, Radiologist and Director of AI at Jefferson Einstein to talk about AI! We kick this episode off by discussing how you should approach being an AI champion in your organization. Then, Sharma shares how he is approaching AI governance. While AI holds a lot of positive potential for healthcare, it is still a new and largely untested area of healthcare, which can cause a lot of hesitance to adopt it. To address these concerns, Sharma discusses how he has overcome resistance to AI in organizations.
Next, we take a look at AI solutions that integrate and those that don’t. We discuss how Sharma approaches integrating AI solutions and whether or not he’s ok with solutions that don’t integrate. AI is a hot topic in healthcare right now, with many people looking to find their own spot in the market. So with this influx of vendors in AI, we discuss how to look at choosing the correct vendors. Lastly, we wrap this episode up as Sharma passes along career advice to anyone who’s looking to work in AI.
Here’s a look at the questions and topics we discuss in this episode:
- How should someone like yourself approach being an AI champion in your organization?
- How are you approaching AI governance?
- How do you overcome resistance to AI in an organization?
- When it comes to integration, are you ok with AI solutions that don’t integrate, or how are you approaching integration of these solutions?
- How do you look at choosing AI vendors with so many getting into the space?
- For someone who’d like to work in AI, what career advice would you give them?
Now, without further ado, we’re excited to share with you the next episode of the CIO Podcast by Healthcare IT Today.
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