CIO Podcast by Healthcare IT Today

CIO Podcast - Episode 78: The Current State of Nursing in Healthcare with Yolanda VanRiel
For the 78th episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we are joined by Yolanda VanRiel, PhD, RN, MEDSURG-BC, OCN, CNE, ANEF, Associate Professor and Department Chair of Nursing at North Carolina Central University (Also available at NCCU Online) to talk about the state of nursing in healthcare today! We kick this episode off by discussing the major challenges nursing faces today. Then we take a look at the number of nurses striking and talk about what is causing this and what leaders can be doing to avoid this. Next, we examine the current state of the nurse staffing ratio and discuss what can go wrong with the incorrect ratios. We then move our discussion to the topic of virtual nursing. We debate how we see virtual nursing impacting some of the issues we’ve discussed and we question why it hasn’t been more broadly embraced in healthcare. Then, we share the ways that we are seeing technology impact nurses, for better and for worse. Lastly, we end this episode with VanRiel giving advice to all of the nurses in the industry today.
Here’s a look at the questions and topics we discuss in this episode:
- What are some of the major challenges that face nursing today?
- Why are we seeing a number of nurses striking and what can be done by leaders to avoid this?
- What’s the state of nurse staffing ratios today, what can be done about it, and what are some of the impacts of the wrong ratios?
- How do you see virtual nursing impacting some of these issues? Why hasn’t this been embraced more broadly in healthcare?
- In what ways are you seeing nurses being impacted, for good and bad, by technology?
- What advice would you give a nurse in the industry today?
Now, without further ado, we’re excited to share with you the next episode of the CIO Podcast by Healthcare IT Today.
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