CIO Podcast by Healthcare IT Today

CIO Podcast by Healthcare IT Today

CIO Podcast - Episode 72: South Shore Hospital with Donald McGruder

April 08, 2024

For the 72nd episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we are joined by Donald McGruder, Chief Information and Revenue Integrity Officer at South Shore Hospital. We kick off this episode by discussing how South Shore Hospital is positioning itself in the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare interoperability. Next, we discuss how interoperability influences the hospital’s strategies and operations. McGruder then talks about what drove the decision to work with Secure Exchange Solutions and the challenges they were looking to address for clinical exchange services. Then we take a look at South Shore’s top use cases to discuss how Secure Exchange Solutions helps them achieve their operational and clinical business objectives.

We then move on to a more personal note as McGruder discusses his work with the South Side of Chicago Collaboration – detailing the program, his role, and the outcomes. Next, we talk about the patient stories from the Collaboration and how Secure Exchange Solutions has been supporting this effort. Then we look forward and discuss the next steps South Shore is planning for enhancing interoperability and patient care. Lastly, McGruder shares the best piece of advice he’s been given in his career and passes along some advice to healthcare organizations looking to improve their own interoperability and patient care.

Here’s a look at the questions and topics we discuss in this episode:

  • How is the hospital positioning itself in the rapidly evolving healthcare interoperability landscape?
  • How does interoperability influence South Shore Hospital’s strategies and operations?
  • Talk about the decision to work with Secure Exchange Solutions for clinical exchange services. What drove the decision and what were the specific challenges you were looking to address?
  • What are a few of South Shore’s top use cases and how does Secure Exchange Solutions help you achieve your operational and clinical business objectives?
  • Talk to us about your work with the South Side of Chicago Collaboration. Can you describe the program, your role, and the outcomes?
  • What are some of the patient stories from the Collaboration and what’s Secure Exchange Solutions’ role in supporting this effort?
  • Looking ahead, what are the next steps for South Shore in enhancing interoperability and patient care?
  • What advice would you give to other healthcare organizations looking to improve interoperability and patient care?
  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given in your career?

Now, without further ado, we’re excited to share with you the next episode of the CIO Podcast by Healthcare IT Today.

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