Chicano Shuffle

Latest Episodes
369 - Rock On
We are back this week, after a missing one last week, but the crew is back together for the pendejadas. As for discussions, we talk about bands/music. the Super Bowl, and being less social.
368 - Bill RB69
Okay let's try this again... the whole crew is back together again in 2025! Let's hope it sticks this time. We about discuss the new administration and it's new policies. Then it's a gulf of pendejada
367 - Last of the Goats
Your favorite guest co-host is here! Noelia drops by to giving you all her opinions and not so hot takes.
366 - Tacos Japonés
The whole crew is finally back together in 2025. We kick it off addressing the fires going all around us. Then we get into the usual pendejadas, Ramon selling raspados in Alaska and shooting fish in a
365 - Four Beers
Happy New Year! We are back, minus one. No worries, Chonuc, from the No Father No Problem Podcast, swings by to fill in. We discuss business, parenting, and fathers. Plus the usual pendejadas.
364 - Buena Noche
Vacation mode activated! We hit record and here is an episode right before Christmas. Happy Christmas Eve! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
363 - Chorizo Down
Christmas is literally around the corner and here we are discussing all matter of unrelated pendejadas. We follow up with the New York CEO situation and Fernando's street fighter story.
362 - Wrapped
This week we are talking Spotify wrapped! Then we shuffle over to the recent stuff like the New York shooting. Plus, we discuss the difference between being dumped and the dumpee.
361 - Get In Line
We are back after the holiday and give our Thanksgiving recaps. There is a discourse about Thanksgiving dinner etiquette. Ramon also tells us a lunch story from the hood. Plus pendejadas.
360 - Nacolandia
Ramon tell us about girth problems and we hit Yelp for some reviews. Then talk some Logan fighting an old man and we revive an older spanish slang word. Plus other of the usual pendejas.