Chesed Bible Studies
Latest Episodes
Episode 40: God's Holy Dwelling Place
God has made you His dwelling place. If you let Him He will make you into the perfect palace fit for Him to dwell. Ezekiel 36:22-38 Ezekiel 37:1-14 Genesis 2:7 John 14:15-23 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
Episode 39: It Ain't About Daniel
We take a fresh look at the story of Daniel in the lions den and see how this points us to the work of Jesus Christ. Daniel 6
Episode 38: The Face Of God
God's desire is to dwell with His people. Listen and be blessed as we discuss God's plan to dwell in our midst. Genesis 3:8 Exodus 32:1–6 Exodus 32:10 Exodus 33:12–23 Exodus 34:5–9 John 1:1–14 Revelation 21:1–5 Revelation 21:22–23
Episode 37: Abide In Jesus
Stop trying to be a good Christian. Stop anxious striving. Instead abide in Christ and you will bear much fruit. John 15:1–8 Matthew 4:5–6 Psalm 91 Jeremiah 2:21 John 6:53–58 1 Corinthians 3:9–15 Ephesians 2:10 John 3:18 John 5:24 John 10:27–3
Episode 36: Galatians chapter 1
The Gospel that Paul declared was by revelation of Jesus Christ. It is a Gospel of pure grace, and any message that excludes grace or mingles legalism with grace as a means of salvation is under the curse of God and is to be shunned. Galatians 1
Episode 35: Introduction to Galatians
We transition into a multi week study of Galatians by discussing why God allows bad things to happen. Listen and let God increase your faith and knowing that He is a good God. Matthew 27:24–26 John 11:45–53 Mark 14:36 Isaiah 53:10 Galatians
Stand Righteous Before God And The Accuser
Listen and be blessed to know that you stand before God and The Accuser covered in the righteousness of Christ. Allow this blessing to empower you to walk in that righteousness. Zechariah 3:1–10 Numbers 13:16 Exodus 28:36–38 Job 1:6–12 Revelatio
Jesus Grew In Stature
Because Jesus is our perfect high priest, he can perfectly and effectively intercede on our behalf, sustaining us as we face trials. Learn to rely on Jesus' finished work instead of your own efforts as you face the trials that God uses to "perfect" you.
Walk In The Spirit
Learn not to rely on your own efforts to stop waking in the flesh. Instead allow the Holy Spirit to transform you and effortlessly walk in the spirit. Galatians 5
Walk In The Flesh Or In The Spirit?
Discover how to walk in obedience to God by resting in the finished work of Jesus rather than trusting in the efforts of your flesh to maintain your righteousness. Gen 15:8-18 Gen 16:1-16 Gen 22:2 Galatians 4:21-31 Galatians 5