Chesed Bible Studies
Latest Episodes
Episode 49: Divine Image Bearers In Eden
In this lesson, we discuss chapters 6 and 7 in Michael Heiser's book The Unseen Realm. We discuss what it means to be made in the image of God and who was dwelling in Eden. I did not edit this for brevity as I normally do. Scriptures referenced: Gen 1:2
Episode 48: Are the "gods" of the Bible Real?
God said, "You shall have no other gods before me." Are those "gods" real? If so, what are they. We discuss in this episode. Exodus 20:3 Genesis 1:1 Genesis 2:4 Psalm 82:1 Judges 11:24 Deuteronomy 32:17 Genesis 31:30 Exodus 20:23 Genesis 6:2 Job
Episode 47: Supernatural?
We discuss how our modern worldview influences our interpretation of the Bible. In order to truly understand what the human biblical authors meant, we must remove our modern filters and understand and adopt the supernatural worldview of those authors. T
Episode 46: What Really Happened At The Tower Of Babel?
We look at what ancient Hebrews believed about the spirit world to help us understand their worldview. This key opens up a whole new understanding of the significance of Babel and how it it is revealing God's plan to save all nations. Genesis 11:1-9 Gen
Episode 45: Spoiler Alert: God Wins!
How can we, as Christians, face persecution with rejoicing? By seeing God as bigger than the giants we face. In this lesson, we look at examples that God gives us in the Bible to show us that He has already conquered every enemy we will ever face...even
How Should Christians Respond to Persecution?
Christians are being persecuted all over the world. In this lesson we look at what Scripture says about how we should respond. Luke 24:13-35 Deuteronomy 7:8 Acts 5:17-42 1Peter 4:12-19
Episode 44: How Should Christians Respond To Persecution?
Christians are being persecuted all over the world. In this lesson we look at what Scripture says about how we should respond. Luke 24:13-35 Deuteronomy 7:8 Acts 5:17-42 1Peter 4:12-19
Episode 43: Leviticus Points To Christ
We discuss how even the literary structure of the book of Leviticus points to the work of Christ. Exodus 40:34-35 Leviticus Numbers 1:1
Episode 42: Parable Of The Wedding Feast
Matthew 13:24-52 Matthew 21:28 through 22:14 Romans 8:28-30
Episode 41: Are You A Good Christian?
How can you overcome temptation and resist sin? Remember who you are. Your standing before God is assured because of the finished work of Jesus. Therefore put on Christ as a righteous garment and meditate on scripture, allowing God to renew your mind.