The Dr. Chalmers Show- Insights to Wellness Podcast

The Dr. Chalmers Show- Insights to Wellness  Podcast

Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Heavy Metals

May 04, 2024

The complexities of heavy metal detoxification, highlighting the importance of understanding both active and passive damage from heavy metals. The significance of preparing the body by optimizing liver and kidney function before initiating detox protocols, cautioning against potential risks of releasing stored metals too quickly. The importance of addressing environmental sources of heavy metals and adopting a holistic approach to health.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:20 - A passive form of damage from heavy metals

01:32 - Liver function and the kidney function first

02:54 - The stuff that's bound in your fat

04:06 - The other things that we always do

05:06 - Quit drinking fluoride

06:17 - A thermometer can tell you when you heat mercury

08:26 - A lot of mercury fillings

09:30 - The person into account of what's going on

10:39 - A decent amount of cadmium

12:07 - The amount of in your blood

13:30 - Questions at Chalmers