The Dr. Chalmers Show- Insights to Wellness Podcast

The Dr. Chalmers Show- Insights to Wellness  Podcast

Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Depression

April 28, 2024

Various aspects of depression, emphasize its diverse manifestations beyond self-hatred. The role of testosterone, sleep, gut health, and methylated B vitamins in addressing depression. The potential benefits of psychedelic therapies like psilocybin and ketamine, alongside dietary changes, for alleviating symptoms. The importance of seeking help and support for mental health struggles.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:08 - Different reasons why depression comes in 

01:09 - Testosterone is one of the number one reasons people have low testosterone

02:23 - Your brain comes from your gut 

03:47 - The brain complex, which is the omega threes 

05:43 - The mind in the right spot 

06:28 - The mental space 

08:24 - A lot of the changes that I've seen in the past with myself. 

10:09 - Therapeutic treatment

11:20 - The reasons that we started the charity Tree of Life

12:27 - The good chemicals in 

13:05 - The population of the Earth 

14:19 - Questions at Chalmers