Latest Episodes

Nathan Barr interview
July 13, 2021

Here is a NEW episode of The Celebrity Hour Podcastwhere the show is related to all things Movies, Music, and Entertainment! Here on this new episode, hostBryan KlugerfromBoomstick Comics,High De

Harry Greenberger Interview (Here After)
July 13, 2021

Here is a NEW episode of The Celebrity Hour Podcastwhere the show is related to all things Movies, Music, and Entertainment! Here on this new episode, hostBryan KlugerfromBoomstick Comics,High De

Craig Moss Interview
July 02, 2021

Here is a NEW episode of The Celebrity Hour Podcast where the show is related to all things Movies, Music, and Entertainment! Here on this new episode, host Bryan Kluger from Boomstick Comics, High De

D.W. Thomas Interview
June 21, 2021

Here is a NEW episode of The Celebrity Hour Podcastwhere the show is related to all things Movies, Music, and Entertainment! Here on this new episode, hostBryan KlugerfromBoomstick Comics,High De

Andre Gower, Mike P. Nelson, Stephen Lukach Part II
June 03, 2021

Here is a LATE NIGHT edition of The Celebrity Hour Podcast where the show is related to all things Movies, Music, and Entertainment! Here on this new episode, host Bryan Kluger from Boomstick Comics, High Def Digest,

Benjamin Wallfisch Interview
March 24, 2021

Here is the new episode of The Interview Series on the MULTI-MEDIA MEN podcast network, where the show is related to all things Movies, Music, and Entertainment! Here on this new episode, host Bryan Kluger from Boomstick Comics, High Def Digest,

BenDavid Grabinski Interview – Happily Film
March 22, 2021

Here is a SPECIAL EDITION episode of the most fun horror podcast under the MULTI-MEDIA MEN banner called ‘My Bloody Podcast‘, where the show is related to all things HORROR! Here on this new episode, hosts  Bryan Kluger from Boomstick Comics,

Kate Simko Interview
March 17, 2021

Here is the new episode of The Interview Series on the MULTI-MEDIA MEN podcast network, where the show is related to all things Movies, Music, and Entertainment! Here on this new episode, hosts  Bryan Kluger from Boomstick Comics, High Def Digest,

Dr. Michael Berenbaum Interview
March 12, 2021

Welcome to the fantastic show on the Multi-Media Men Podcast Network called “No B.S. With Susan and Bryan“, a show dedicated to all forms of entertainment. Movies, television shows, reality television, music, theatre,

Beth Grant and Emily Tosta Interview – Willy’s Wonderland
March 09, 2021

Here is a special interview edition of MY BLOODY PODCAST on the MULTI-MEDIA MEN podcast network, where the show is related to all things Movies, Music, and Entertainment! Here on this new episode, host Bryan Kluger from Boomstick Comics,