Charlotte Center For Mindfulness // Podcasts

Charlotte Center For Mindfulness // Podcasts

Constellation of Belonging

January 05, 2024

This sharing draws from Sheryl Chard’s practice, Constellation of Belonging, from

You belong. Everywhere. Yes, you—with all your history, anxiety, pain. Yes, everywhere—in every culture, community and circumstance, you belong in this body. You belong in this very moment. You belong in this breath…and in this one. You have always belonged.    -Sebene Selassie

 That we belong is a given fact.  -Br David Steindl-Rast

If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.  -Carl Sagan

Independence is a political term, not a scientific one.  -Evolutionary Biologist, Lynn Margolis