Casual Fridays REI

Latest Episodes
Episode 518 – Competition on Both Sides
The impact of competition can be wild and in the last few days weve seen just what it can do to your business on both sides of the coin. On the sales side, weve got a wild story from a recent auctio
Episode 517 – The Lull
You know what were talking about. For some its that time in between your last deal and your next deal. For others its the time between your marketing hitting the right people. Its the dead time wh
Episode 516 – Infill Lot TRUTHS!
Yall know what they are.. Those really enticing little lots that look perfect for home building and that you can pick up for a really low price. The ones inside a neighborhood that look like an easy
Episode 515 – Cancun Live Event!
The first Casual Fridays REI International Live Event was such an awesome time! We thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts that came out. This community never ceases to amaze us and its because
Episode 514 – Adjusting Your Close
I think one thing we can all agree on is that in order for us to buy land, weve gotta get the phone ringing with people who want to sell. Theres a lot of different ways we can do that too. Youve go
Episode 513 – Notating Your Minerals
Hes been telling everyone for years that this is something all Land Investors need to be doing and its finally paid off so today were gonna talk about it. Its such an easy thing to do as well but
Episode 512 – Yes Day!
Inspired by this years birthday gift weve got a discussion and we need your thoughts! Have you ever been given a Yes Day? Where no matter what you ask for, the person who gave it to you has to say
Episode 511 – Dispo Marketing Dollars
Its pretty common for Investors to know down to the penny what theyve spent to acquire a deal. Afterall, the marketing for properties is our lifeblood and we need to know what its going to cost us
Episode 510 – Don’t Quit!
Welcome to the New Year! Its that time again where everyones planning their year and setting goals for whats to come. We absolutely encourage this and hope everyone is doing it. What we dont want
Episode 509 – Happy Holidays
Its the end of the year and while we take some time to be with our families and finish off some work we wanted to wish all of our listeners a very special Happy Holidays! We hope this year has been e