Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

Latest Episodes

C&M 61: Freelance Society
October 15, 2015

Carl and Mike discuss the movement of the country from full-time employees to temps, part-timers and freelancers. And reimagine how work should work in the future. Plus, conversations on the Volkswagen emission scandal, China, New World Order, and...

5?:5Min36: 5 Q's on Q
October 11, 2015

Inspired by John Oliver’s recent smackdown on televangelists, (episode Link: Carl and Mike take on 5 questions about...

C&M60: We're All Refugees
October 06, 2015

Carl and Mike discuss the Syrian refugee crisis, from the media’s narrative to the role of Saudi Arabia and Europe. Plus our own refugee past and current immigrant crisis. Also Bernie attends Liberty U and Mike buys a car…out of state....

5?:5Min35: Politics, Sex, Religion, Oh My!
September 24, 2015

Carl and Mike tackle three subjects near and dear to their hearts -- politics, sex and religion. In this episode Carl and Mike try to answer the following five questions in just five minutes... 1) Who do you think will be the dem and GOP candidates...

C&M59: Unwritten Rules of Polite Society
September 22, 2015

Carl and Mike discuss the unwritten rules of polite society when it comes to talking about sex, politics and religion. With a dive into the shame around talking frankly about sex. The dance we do around politics, and the weariness about someone...

C&M58: Trump and Our Private Thoughts
September 16, 2015

Carl and Mike discuss the latest Trumpian pronouncements and his ability to speak publicly on some of our private thoughts. Plus continued craziness from the Right, ISIS as a virus, religion and technology on a crash course, questioning God on his...

5?:5Min33: Animal Adventures
September 11, 2015

In Carl and Mike’s Animal Adventures we attempt to answer five questions all dealing with some aspect of animals in just five minutes. From eating them to being them, it’s all about animals.    What are some of the wildest...

C&M57: Greetings From Europe
September 09, 2015

In Greetings from Europe we discuss the refugee situation in Europe and the need for immigrants to assimilate into their new country. Plus religious freedom and gay marriage, trump takes an oath, Sanders refuses to feed the beast, losing our faith in...

5?:5Min32: All About Music Edition
September 05, 2015

It’s all about music in this episode of 5?:5Min as Carl and Mike answer the following five personal questions about their musical tastes and history.   1) Favorite musical artist or group? 2) Favorite concert you’ve been to? 3)...

C&M56: Going Down in CA
September 01, 2015

In Going Down in CA we discuss the California Drought and some of the politics of climate change. Plus Burning Man, anti-heroes on TV, and the rise of anti-establishment candidates. Leave your rose-colored glasses at the door, it's time for Carl and Mike!