Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

Latest Episodes

C7M67: Last Gasps
December 01, 2015

In Lasts Gasps, Carl and Mike talk about the sorry state of Republican presidential politics, immigrants and the need for assimilation, the liberal Muslim divide, the last gasps of fundamentalism, and ending on a sad note. But they start the show with...

5?:5Min39 The OR Show
November 24, 2015

In the OR Show, Carl and Mike must decide between five sets of either/or possibilities in just five minutes. Can they navigate their way between five difficult choices? Find out as they tackle these five dichotomies! 1) Cooler guy - Paul Newman OR...

5?:5Min38: Stupidest Questions from Yahoo Answers - The Sequel
November 20, 2015

On Stupidest Questions From Yahoo Answers -- the Sequel, Carl and Mike take on 5 more of the dumbest, mind-numbing and downright weird questions sent in to Yahoo Answers. Plus answer a bonus questions for good measure! Watch Carl and Mike tackle...

C&M66: Tribe Trumps Reality
November 17, 2015

In Tribe Trumps Reality, a look at the weirdness of Ben Carson, and a prediction by Carl that his campaign ends badly. Then Carl and Mike wonder about the power of political ideology. Mike offers a radical proposal to offset the cost of medicine, but...

C&M65: Let There Be Light
November 12, 2015

In Let There Be Light, Carl shares the wordsmithing of William Tyndale, who is credited with much of the translation that became the King James Bible. Plus infiltrating the Vatican using Mexican tunnels. Then the fallout from the CNBC Republican...

5?:5Min37: Bad Geography
November 09, 2015

In this episode of 5?:5Min Carl and Mike struggle to answer five questions from geography challenged people. 1) How far a drive is it from Miami to Florida? 2) What state is Toronto in? 3) Does it rain in Australia? 4) What part of Africa is...

C&M64: Disruptive Economy
November 03, 2015

In Disruptive Economy Carl and Mike discuss the disruptive nature of the new sharing economy and other advancing technologies. Plus debate, wonder and brainstorm on what’s the next big thing, tesla, exponential change and chicks with dicks....

5?:5Min46: Response to GOP Debate
October 30, 2015

Although we're exploring running for President (see our Platform for America at: we weren't invited to the recent Republican debate. Never fear, we've taken five key questions or ideologies from the debate and answered...

C&M63: GOP Cannibalism
October 28, 2015

In GOP Cannibalism, Carl and Mike discuss the unraveling of the GOP and how their self-created Fear Machine is now eating its own. With more on Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, and the Benghazi hearings. Plus, Carl’s wife has a fall, while Mike...

C&M62: Gun Insanity
October 20, 2015

In light of yet another mass shooting, Carl and Mike dive into a discussion on Gun Insanity in America and the need for sensible gun control. The discussion includes what the NRA is really about, the acceleration of school shootings, and media...
