

S4 E49 | CXR Uncorked: Gerry and Chris enjoy a Gallo Red with Lowe’s Rob Daugherty

October 13, 2020

Chris Hoyt 0:00Yes we hit record before we open the bottle we're net we're now recording You're welcome open bottle

Gerry Crispin 0:05Recording is going to trigger that then yeah.

Announcer 0:09Welcome to CareerXroads Uncorked a series of member chats inspired by good drinks and current talent acquisition trends your hosts Chris Hoyt and Gerry Crispin, break down today's recruiting headlines while reviewing a select beverage of choice with industry leaders and influencers. Join us for a drink and conversation.

Chris Hoyt 0:33Alright so you got Chris Hoyt and Gerry Crispin from CXR and on the line and we have with us for today's Uncorked Rob Daugherty. Rob, how are you?

Rob Daugherty, Lowes 0:41I'm doing awesome, man. It's a living the life in North Carolina these days with with Lowe's.

Chris Hoyt 0:49Yeah and how long have you been at Lowe's?

Rob Daugherty, Lowes 0:50I started I think the last day of January. So January 31, was my first day. So it's been a heck of an introduction. When you look at, you know, the the book, the first 90 days, mind's been nothing like that. So throw in. See on on about week four, there was a ski accident which led to shoulder surgery right in the middle of COVID. With civil unrest, it's been a hell of an 8 monghts

Chris Hoyt 1:17Oh, my God, it's been a year I'm ready for 2020 to go home.

Rob Daugherty, Lowes 1:20Yes,

Gerry Crispin 1:22I am, too. But on the other hand, I will say for 2020 if I pick the one person who made the most appropriate move, or for a COVID that had not yet become evident, as opposed to the middle of COVID, I nominate you as being you know, right up there at the top to have left airlines that that you know, is not going to be working a hell of a lot in COVID for her for a place that's going to, you know, have some interesting challenges to how they are going to operate totally differently, but are are certainly going to be important for how people handle COVID it's, I couldn't imagine a more perfect segue, if you will, to to survival. So I think that was fabulous.

Rob Daugherty, Lowes 2:17Yeah, I tell you what, by by the time I finished this bottle, I will have told you I had the insight that this was going to happen and the airlines are crashed and Lowe's is an essential employer with an essential business would completely take off but I really haven't started yet. I'll I can't tell that story. So it was it was definitely you know, those those the things and choices you make it at certain times you don't quite know how they're gonna get a turnout. And this is certainly been a been a blessing and certainly excited to to be here.

Chris Hoyt 2:49Well, I have a. Oh, go ahead Gerry

Gerry Crispin 2:52I was just gonna say how do you handle the back and forth with family because you still have a house in Dallas, right?

Rob Daugherty, Lowes 2:58Yes, I do about Yeah. So you know, still a very loyal customer now of American Airlines. So so back and forth. They come out here there's a lot of FaceTime. You know, so we were figuring it out, you know, during the kind of COVID times I spent a lot of time back in Dallas and we're still working remote for the most part here at Lowe's so it's you know, with the kids kind of doing remote school that's been you know, that's been a make it a little bit easier to where they can come out here and and vice versa.

Chris Hoyt 3:35Well, it took me as you as you probably saw it took me five good minutes to get into this bottle. I was

Rob Daugherty, Lowes 3:41wondering, I was wondering if you had a cork issue or what was happening over there?

Chris Hoyt 3:45I had this bottle is probably the most difficult or I'm just that thirsty? The most difficult bottle for me to get into so our theme Rob what kind of wine did you pick?

Rob Daugherty, Lowes 3:54Yes, so you know our good friends over at E&J Gallo and Ryan Cook and the the ultimate of ultimate hosts to I don't know how any CXR client could ever top ...