

S4 E47 | eXpert Tease: Terra Doyle on Increasing Women in Leadership

October 09, 2020

Announcer 0:01Welcome to the CXR channel, our premier podcast for talent acquisition and talent management. Listen in as the CXR community discusses a wide range of topics focused on attracting, engaging and retaining the best talent. We're glad you're here.

Chris Hoyt 0:25Alright everybody, welcome to CXR's expertise. I'm Chris white president CareerXroads, I am bringing to you this rapid fire delivery of industry leaders and experts. Now the idea is, each week we're going to host a guest who will share with us lessons that they've learned their biggest victory failures, or walk us through step by step how to do something challenging in our space. So the kicker is that this is just a 15 minute, hence the tease aspect of the segment title expert tees expertise, you see what we did there. Now, each of the sessions will have a focus topic topics that were voted on by the industry in a survey CareerXroads did earlier in the year. These were areas that leader said were big concerns for them moving forward into 2021, for instance, college recruiting automation, DE&I, ethics, etc. It goes on and on. So we encourage everyone to add questions to the chat area of our broadcast throughout our talk. And at the end of the segment, we'll take a question or two if you've got them. And if we've got the time. And then we'll move the rest of the conversation online to the new talent talks open and public exchange you'll find at So today, I am excited to kick off the weekly series with the topic of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion specifically on the challenge of increasing female representation in leadership roles. And to do that we have invited Terra Doyle, the people and culture leader at Roche, and who we've been friends with for quite some time. So Terra, welcome. And thank you for being our first guest.

Terra Doyle, Roche 2:03I'm excited to be here. Thank you for having me.

Chris Hoyt 2:06So, so talk to us about why and how Roche has taken up a banner and sort of pushed forward to put more women into key leadership roles.

Terra Doyle, Roche 2:16Yeah, absolutely. And, you know, the journey started quite a while ago, even prior to me joining the organization. So if you look back in 2011, they took a hard look at what they deemed to be their senior leadership, which for us is Director level and above. And just wanted to take a look at the representation. They just they didn't feel that they really had exactly what they're looking for, in terms of spirited discussion and an outside in perspective and things that come when you have diverse pools of talent role. At that time, sadly, our senior level leadership for a few more representation was at 11%, which is incredibly low. Since that time, of course, a lot of factors have come into play. And I'll talk to you about what those events. But now very proud that as of last year, we ended at 38% of our senior leader levels. And if you really even now take a look at top down. So the most executive level, which still hovers over 30%, you know, minus one, we're close to 50%. So it's been a substantial journey in stride, and the right way to go. And the really cool part is about you know, these kind of focus areas and elements, they can be taken really more broadly across all areas of diversity, right, you talk about all sorts of whether it's veteran hiring or, or people of color, but it really conceptually they apply across all groups. But it was something that they took a look and said, hey, look, we want to make a focused effort, we're going to focus in these key pillars, it has been a journey and will continue to be something that we focus on.

So if I mean, I'll go ahead and get started by maybe just sharing some of the things that we found that were really important, we all put them in three main pillars or categories. The first is commitment from the business because you just you can't get anywhere, if you don't actually have buy into what your strategy...