Canning Season®

Canning Season®

Latest Episodes

CS-044: Fall Home Canning – Conversation with a Master Food Preserver
November 07, 2020

As we wrap up the growing season, we turn to fall home canning, That means the holidays and all the abundance that...

CS-043: The Pickle Anything Show
August 21, 2020

In today’s show, we talk about safely pickling foods.  This is a foundation skill used in home canning worldwide. Seasoned home canners...

CS-042: Get Your Jams and Jellies to Set
July 24, 2020

Today, we talk about what it takes to get your jams and jellies to set. Pectin – what it is. The concept...

CS-041: Let’s Make Great Strawberry Jam
June 26, 2020

The strawberries have arrived and it’s time to make strawberry jam.  Today’s show lists the 10 things I learned for making the...

CS-040: Pop-Tarts and Disruptions in the Food Supply
June 12, 2020

In today’s episode we talk about disruptions in the food supply and their connection to home canning & food preservation.  To help...

CS-039 Canning Season is Back!
May 21, 2020

It’s been six years since the last episode of the Canning Season podcast.  Today’s show re-introduces Canning Season to fans of home...

CS-038: Homemade Ice Cream | New Features Coming to Canning Season
September 15, 2014

For all your hard work home canning this year, don't you think you deserve a break - and a treat?  Today I give you both as I introduce you to the concept of making homemade ice cream.  But ice cream is much more than a wildly popular dessert.  It also h

CS-037: A Bucket of Cucumbers Restored My Canning Mojo
August 21, 2014

In home canning as well as in life, we sometimes get off our game; some call it "losing our mojo".  You know that feeling:  Things aren't quite right, we keep messing up, we can't seem to get into that rhythm that keeps us productive and allows us to fee

CS-036: Pickled Foods | Interview with Expert from University of Alaska
August 06, 2014

Knowing how to safely pickle foods is one of the foundation skills used by home canners worldwide.  In today's episode we are joined by Roxie Dinstel from the Cooperative Extension Service at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.  Roxie happens to be the c

CS-035: Cherries! | So Many Cool Things to Make with Cherries | My Trip to Norway
July 17, 2014

The cherries are in! Will you be home canning cherries this year? If so, what do you plan to make? With so...
