Canning Season®

Canning Season®

CS-034: 10 Things I Learned Canning Strawberry Jam This Year | Your Questions Answered

June 30, 2014

No matter how long we’ve been cooking or home canning, there’s always something new to learn.  Today’s session lists the 10 things I learned when making strawberry jam this weekend.  We also celebrate the one year anniversary of the Canning Season podcast and answer some of your questions.
In this session we learn answers to the following as well as many more questions —

* How to make jam without pectin.
* What to do about all that foam that forms on top of boiling jams.
* What to do when home canning burns you out.
* What are the best sized jars for home canning?

As a reminder, this podcast relies heavily on information and expertise provided by the USDA (link is external), the National Center for Food Preservation (link is external), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (link is external) and the Ball Blue Book of Preserving.
Blue Book Guide to Preserving  (Amazon affilate link)
Before You Go …
If you’ve not done so yet, please consider clicking here to give me a rating on iTunes (hopefully positive!) along with a written comment to tell people what you like about the podcast.  Thanks for listening!