Canary Cry Radio
CCR 081: The Portent with Dr. Michael Heiser
ANCIENT TOMBS, LONG-FORGOTTEN NAZI EXPERIMENTS, UFOs, OCCULT MYTHOLOGIES, BIBLICAL THEOLOGY, AND GODLIKE TECHNOLOGIES converge in Volume 2 of The Facade Saga, The Portent, written by returning guest and Biblical scholar, Dr. Michael Heiser. Back on episode 40, Basil and Gonz spoke to Dr. Heiser about the Divine Council and all of the Biblical context for God’s heavenly bureaucracy and their activity and intervention of mankind. For this episode, the focus shifts on his works of fiction, The Facade, and the follow up, The Portent. As a Biblical scholar, Dr. Heiser is known for his academic approach to theology. But his talent for writing is exemplified in these two works, where the characters are dynamic, relatable, and down to earth, while the setting, storyline, and overarching themes are rooted in the reality of various lesser known facts about the dark activity of governments and elite leaders of the world. The struggle between the main characters, who are simply trying to do the “right thing,” in direct opposition to intelligent evil, makes for a dramatic intellectual landscape, where deception is the main tool that is leveraged to bring about the greatest possible destruction by the enemy. And while the story itself rides these themes, the deeper rooted application of these ideas are relayed by Dr. Heiser in this discussion. The Portent in particular highlights this deceptive quality of intelligent evil, and is a stark warning to those who are within the church, and beyond, to seriously reconsider the foundation of their worldview as they go through life. Dr. Heiser also discusses his upcoming books, the scholarly work called The Unseen Realm, and the more mainstream version of the book Super Natural.
Dr. Mike Heier’s website (
Dr. Mike Heiser’s latest interview with Derek Gilbert on a View From the Bunker 197
Dr. Mike Heiser’s latest interview with Natalina on Beyond Extraordinary
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