Calvary Chapel Casa Grande Sunday
Latest Episodes
Stir Up, Be Bold, Hold Fast (A)
I ask that you would imagine with me for a moment, that you are locked away in that 1st Century Roma...
A Genuine Faith (A)
2 Timothy begins with a normal and standard greeting, but not a normal relationship. We looked at it...
Apostles and Disciples (A)
You don't have to read much to notice the tenor of this epistle is strikingly different than hi...
Our Call and Work of Ministry (A)
This entire letter has been filled with warnings and teachings from the Apostle Paul: he’s given w...
Contented Slaves (A)
There is no doubt in the mind of any serious Bible student, Theologian or Biblical Professor that Pa...
Conflicts, Widows and Elders (A)
Conflict is never a fun thing to deal with. When the conflict invokes people you love and care for i...
Nourished in Truth (A)
The enemy of God… the enemy of truth… and the enemy of our souls, has one clear and ever present...
Servants and Pillars (A)
In an effort not to belabor the point, but at the same time to cover it thoroughly, we are going to ...
The Call for Servants (A)
As we move further into chapter 3 of 1 Timothy, we now come to the personal and spiritual requiremen...