Calhoun Baptist Church

Calhoun Baptist Church

Latest Episodes

Times of Refreshing with Brother John Roberts
February 14, 2016

This week in his sermon titled “Times of Refreshing” Brother John Roberts preached from Nehemiah 8:5-12 and Acts 2:36-43. Brother John preached about how God uses revival to refocus his followers on Him which is what’s important.

Knowing the Voice of God with Brother John Roberts
February 07, 2016

This week we welcomed Brother John Roberts whom delivered his sermon titled “Knowing the Voice of God”. Brother John preached on scripture found in John 10:1-5 and 14-16. Brother John taught about the ways God can speak to us and … Continued

Seeing the Face of God with Guest Preacher John Roberts
January 31, 2016

This week we welcomed back brother John Roberts whom delivered his sermon titled “Seeing the Face of God”, and he preached from the book of Exodus.

The Moderate Church with Guest Preacher John Roberts
January 24, 2016

Returning this week we welcomed guest preacher Brother John Roberts. Brother John preached from the book of Philippians 2:1-3 in his sermon titled “The Moderate Church”. We are reminded by Brother John that Jesus did not call us to be … Continued

The Importance of Scripture with Guest Preacher Brett Burns
January 17, 2016

This Sunday we welcomed back Brother Brett Burns whom delivered a powerful sermon from the book of James. Brother Burns reminded us that as we face life’s trials and temptations, it is important for us to look to God’s word … Continued

The Future of the Church with Guest Preacher Brett Burns
January 10, 2016

This week we welcomed Brother Brett Burns as our guest speaker. Brother Burns discussed the future of the church, and he explained how we as the bride of Christ need to be willing to be the hope that this world needs.

The Parable of the Wedding Guest with Guest Preacher Bill Anderson
January 03, 2016

Returning for another week, we welcomed Brother Bill Anderson as our guest preacher. Brother Bill preached about the Parable of the Wedding Guest found in Matthew 22. Have you accepted Jesus' invitation? If you haven't accepted that invitation we hope ...

Guest Preacher Brother Bill Anderson
December 27, 2015

This week we welcome Brother Bill Anderson as our guest preacher.

No Small Change with Guest Preacher John Roberts
December 13, 2015

This week we welcomed back brother John Roberts as our guest preacher. Brother John delivered a great sermon titled "No Small Change" and he preached from the book of Luke.

Christ’s Example of Humility
December 06, 2015

In today's service we welcomed Brother Brett Burns. Brother Burns delivered his sermon titled "Christ's Example of Humility" and preached from the book of Philippians 2:5-11. We pray that Brother Burns sermon will inspire you to humble yourself and ser...