Calhoun Baptist Church

Calhoun Baptist Church

Latest Episodes

Adjusting Our Focus with Brother John Roberts
May 01, 2016

Delivering his last sermon as interim pastor, Brother John Roberts preached from the book of Hebrews 3:1 in his sermon titled “Adjusting Our Focus”. It is easy to lose focus on God and give our attention to worldly concerns, but … Continued

Standing Firm in Christian Liberty with Brother John Roberts
April 24, 2016

In his sermon titled “Standing Firm in Christian Liberty” Brother John preached from Galatians 5:1. We are reminded that because of Christ we are free from the bondage of sin, and we are truly free when we are obedient to … Continued

No Fear? with Brother John Roberts
April 17, 2016

This week preaching from the book of Acts 5:1-11, Brother John delivered his sermon titled “No Fear?”. Brother John asks us if we as Christians should fear God? A Holy fear of God, as Brother John explains is spiritually and … Continued

Goals Worth Striving For with Brother John Roberts
April 10, 2016

This Sunday Brother John Roberts preached from the book of Hebrews in his sermon titled “Goals Worth Striving For”. Brother John reminds us that we should strive to live a life of peace and of holiness. We can do this … Continued

A Call to Grow Up in Christ with Interim Pastor John Roberts
April 03, 2016

This Sunday in his sermon titled “A Call to Grow Up in Christ”, Brother John Roberts preached from the book of Hebrews. We are reminded by Brother John that we should remain faithful in studying God’s word as we grow … Continued

Sent by God with Brother John Roberts
March 20, 2016

This Palm Sunday brother John preached from Luke 9 & 10 in his sermon titled “Sent By God”. Brother John reminds us that we are called by God to go out into the world and to disciple as Jesus did.

Swansong of the King with Brother John Roberts
March 13, 2016

This Sunday Brother John preached from the book John chapters 13 through 16 in his sermon titled “Swansong of the King”. We hope Brother John’s message will bless you and we hope you will join us again next week for … Continued

Waiting for the Starting Gun with Brother John Roberts
March 06, 2016

This Sunday Brother John Roberts preached from the book of Acts 1:1-14 in his sermon titled “Waiting for the Starting Gun.” Brother John encouraged us all to remain steadfast, spending time in prayer and in God’s word, as we wait … Continued

The One with a Grateful Heart with Brother John Roberts
February 28, 2016

This morning in his sermon titled “The One with a Grateful Heart”, Brother John Roberts preached from the book of Luke 17:11-19. We are reminded by Brother John of the story of the ten lepers who were healed by Jesus, … Continued

Excuses, Excuses.. with Brother John Roberts
February 21, 2016

In this week’s sermon we welcomed back our interim preacher Brother John Roberts. Brother John delivered a convicting sermon titled “Excuses, Excuses..” and preached from the book of Luke 9:57-62 and 14:16-24.