Calhoun Baptist Church

Calhoun Baptist Church

Latest Episodes

Following Jesus Through the Cross Part Three
April 07, 2019

Brother Mark delivered part three of his sermon series titled, “Following Jesus Through the Cross”. Brother Mark read from the book of Luke 22.

Devote Yourself to Prayer
March 10, 2019

Brother Mark delivered his sermon titled, “Devote Yourself to Prayer” and he read out of Colossians 4:2-4.

Biblical Family Living
February 24, 2019

Brother Mark preached this morning out of Colossians 3 in his sermon titled, “Biblical Family Living”.

The Christian Wardrobe: What We Put On
February 17, 2019

Brother Mark continued his series in Colossians titled, “The Christian Wardrobe” with part two titled, “What We Put On”.

The Christian Wardrobe: What We Take Off
February 10, 2019

Brother Mark started a new series titled: “The Christian Wardrobe” with his message this morning titled, “What We Take Off”. Brother Mark delivered his message out of Colossians.

Complete in Salvation
February 03, 2019

Brother Mark preached this morning out of Colossians 2 in his sermon titled, “Complete in Salvation”.

Spiritual Healthcare
January 27, 2019

Brother Mark delivered his sermon this morning titled, “Spiritual Healthcare”.

Not About Me
January 20, 2019

Brother Mark continued his series in Colossians 1 in his sermon titled, “Not About Me”.

Guest Speaker Mike Towns
January 13, 2019

This Sunday we welcomed Brother Mike Towns as our guest speaker. Brother Towns shared his experience of living in Zimbabwe. We hope you enjoy his story as much as we have and we trust it will bless you as it … Continued

The Final Drop of Joy Superglue
December 02, 2018

Finishing his series in Philippians Brother Mark delivered his sermon titled, “The Final Drop of Joy Superglue”.