Calhoun Baptist Church

Calhoun Baptist Church

Latest Episodes

First Christian Martyr
July 21, 2019

Brother Mark continued his series in Acts with his sermon titled, “First Christian Martyr”.

The First Deacons
July 14, 2019

Brother Mark preached out of Acts 6:1-7 in his sermon titled, “The First Deacons”.

If It Is of God..
July 07, 2019

Delivering his sermon titled, “If It Is of God..”, Brother Mark preached out of Acts 5:17-42.

Signs and Wonders of Today
June 30, 2019

Brother Mark delivered his sermon this morning titled, “Signs and Wonders of Today” and he preached out of Acts 5:12-16.

Real or Fake
June 23, 2019

Brother preached out of Acts 4 in his sermon titled, “Real of Fake”.

Christian Boldness
June 16, 2019

Brother Mark delivered his sermon titled, “Christian Boldness”, and he preached out of Acts 4.

The Leaping Lame Man
May 26, 2019

Brother Mark preached out of Acts 3 in his sermon titled, “The Leaping Lame Man”.

The Christian Job Description
April 28, 2019

Preaching out of Acts 1, Brother Mark delivered his sermon titled “The Christian Job Description”.

Easter Sunday
April 21, 2019

On this very special Easter Sunday, Brother Mark preached out of 1 Corinthians 15. We hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter and join us again next Sunday for another powerful message!

Following Jesus Through the Cross Part Four
April 14, 2019

Continuing his series, “Following Jesus Through the Cross”, Brother Mark delivered part four and he read from Luke 19.