Cafe Culture North East - The Podcast

Cafe Culture North East - The Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 31: Café Scientifique - Alcohol: Our favourite drug but whose problem? - Eileen Kaner
July 21, 2014

Alcohol is a long-established part of popular culture but can the UK afford the £20 billion annual cost due to heavy drinking? Eileen Kaner, Newcastle University, will explore the health & social consequences of heavy drinking.

Episode 30: Café Culturel - A Lightness of Touch - Lightness as disposition, action & politics - Simon Murray
June 17, 2014

The quality of lightness is sometimes claimed or ascribed to works of art, theatre, literature and dance. Simon Murray draws on examples from theatre, visual arts and literature and examines how the term is used.

Episode 29: Café Philosophique - Overcoming Evil with Good: The power, limits and risks of forgiveness - Stephen Cherry
June 04, 2014

Over the last 25 years, forgiveness has resurfaced as a positive way ahead for victims of unjust harm. Dr. Stephen Cherry considers the possibilities for forgiveness from ethical, spiritual & psychological perspectives.

Episode 28: Café Philosophique - Who do you think you are? - Mike Spencer
May 20, 2014

Who do you think you are? Neuroscience struggles with the notion of “the self”, the object that human consciousness appears to reveal. Can philosophy help? Mike Spencer explores whether we exist only through and in our human relationships?

Episode 27: Café Culturel - Musical Programming - Its Challenges and Rewards - Ros Rigby
April 09, 2014

Ros Rigby gives an introduction to the issues one must consider when developing, planning and realising the programme for a major international venue. Ros currently oversees all aspects of the performance programme at Sage Gateshead.

Episode 26: Café Politique - How Much is Enough? Money and the good life? - Robert Skidelsky
March 19, 2014

What is the true value of money? What is a good life? Do we work long hours merely to make more money? Robert Skidelsky addresses these questions and others, drawing on examples from his recent book.

Episode 25: Café Scientifique - Fit for Life: Do chairs cause heart attacks? - Mike Trennell
March 06, 2014

Mike Trennell, Professor of Movement and Motabilism, Newcastle University will explore state of the art evidence on why moving more and sitting less could be one of the most important decisions in your day. 

Episode 24: Café Politique - Power and inequality in rural Britain - Mark Shucksmith
February 19, 2014

Poverty and social exclusion exist in rural Britain too, it’s just not so visible. Professor Mark Shucksmith argues that our idyllic view of rural areas blinds us to the hidden poverty and social exclusion which threatens 1 in 3 people

Episode 23: Café Scientifique - Bird on the brink: England’s hen harriers- Blanaid Denman
February 10, 2014

Join us on the front line of British conservation with England’s most threatened and controversial bird of prey. Blanaid Denman, RSPB will discuss if we can save them or whether it is too late

Episode 22: Café Culturel - The Story Dances off the Page - David Almond
January 22, 2014

Literary experimentation and writing for the young. Author David Almond, twice Whitbread Children’s Book Award Winner and Carnegie Medal winner considers whether children and their creativity can help us understand what a book can be?