Cafe Culture North East - The Podcast

Cafe Culture North East - The Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 41: Café Politique - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - Stories of seeking asylum - Fiona Cuthill
March 04, 2015

Dr Fiona Cuthill, Edinburgh University, considers the ways that people seeking asylum in the UK can either survive and thrive, or end up living in destitution. The UK has a proud history of supporting human rights but cracks remain.

Episode 40: Café Politique - Young, Gifted and Excluded - Are young people citizens - Janice McLaughlin
January 22, 2015

Prof Janice McLaughlin, Newcastle University discusses ongoing work with young people, exploring what they think citizenship means and whether they consider themselves to be citizens.

Episode 39: Café Scientifique - The Dyslexia Debate - Or should we say Diatribe - Julian Elliot
December 16, 2014

In his talk, Prof Julian Elliott, Durham University, will outline the conclusions from his book The Dyslexia Debate. Describing the sometimes outraged responses to this work, he will consider why the dyslexia label evokes powerful emotions.

Episode 38: Café Culturel - Our Monsters: Ourselves - Alison Younger
December 02, 2014

Monsters reflect the cultural anxieties of their times, raising important questions about what is most fearful to us. Alison Younger, Sunderland University, argues that while they must be tamed or annihilated, they are essential to society’s well-being.

Episode 37: Café Scientifique - Should healthcare decisions be more accountable - Richard Thompson
November 25, 2014

Richard Thompson, Newcastle University, explores how important decisions about our health are shared between patients & clinicians, analysing evidence on the benefits from a range of areas & draws upon local work on implementing shared decision making.

Episode 36: Cafe Culturel - RoCCing the Boat - Rebalancing our Cultural Capital - Peter Stark
November 05, 2014

Peter Stark, one of the authors of the RoCC report on London's dominance of arts funding, reflects on the report's evidence and how to address the mismatch in funding between London and the rest of England.

Episode 35: Café Politique - Swearing as a Response to Pain - Richard Stephens
October 23, 2014

Dr Richard Stephens, Keele University, researches the psychobiology of swearing and specifically why people swear in response to pain. His writing on this matter has reached a large audience comprising national and international media coverage.

Episode 34: Café Philosophique - Social and environmental justice in Newcastle - Derek Bell
October 09, 2014

Everyone believes the value of ‘justice’ but we often disagree about what makes a community just or unjust. Derek Bell, Newcastle University will consider whether the social, environmental and political inequalities that we find in Newcastle are unjust.

Episode 33: Café Culturel - The Mexican Mafia and Me - Lyn Hagan
October 01, 2014

Following a Laing Art Gallery show this summer, artist Lyn Hagan discusses a variety of cultural genres she has used to portray the human side of death row. Lyn talks about her friendship with Tony, a prisoner facing the death sentence.

Episode 32: Café Philosophique - Reflections of an armchair philosopher - Mike Jenkins
July 29, 2014

Mike Jenkins is puzzled by people who persist with ideas that are shown by experience to be flawed. He will look at economic boom and bust; apocalyptic prophecy from revelation to eco-catastrophe; religious and atheistic fundamentalism.
