C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Latest Episodes

Crave - Ps Ronald Berg
May 19, 2013

We as humans can live with two kinds of boldness: natural and divine. Natural boldness can come across as overpowering and rude. It gives us a false sense of confidence that leads us to believe that we can do anything and that we do not need God. It drive

On Parenting - Ps Dean & Jill Sweetman
May 12, 2013

We live in an age where the idea of a parent has shifted. Moms have to also be dads; Dads sometimes have to be Mr. Mom; Grandparents may find themselves raising their grandchildren; and there are even people who are raising children that are not related t

Untouchables - Ps Dean Sweetman
May 05, 2013

Matthew, Mark, and Luke all contain a tale of Jesus healing a man with Leprosy. This story is a moving image of the world and the church. In Luke 5:12-17, we find that this man has been banished from society. He cannot live with anyone other than other le

Alive - Week 5 - Ps Travis Brown - Break the “I”
April 28, 2013

There are ten instances in the Bible where people are raised from the dead. The first story is in 1 Kings 17. It is a rather bizarre story, when you really think about it; it is the first time someone is raised from the dead, and God chooses this particul

Alive - Week 5 - Ps Matt Shackleford - Pick Up the Phone
April 28, 2013

Acts 8 verses 26-40 depicts what happens when someone obeys when God calls. Philip was told by an angel sent from God to go south through the desert. Philip goes and, on the road, sees a chariot. The Holy Spirit tells him to walk beside the chariot. Phili

Alive - Week 4 - Ps Kay Weeks - God, You Want What?!
April 28, 2013

There are times in our lives that God will ask us to do something that we do not want to do. In those moments, we have a choice to make: His way or our way? Jonah was faced with a situation where he could either obey God or run. In Jonah 1, God asked him

Alive - Week 4 - Ps Tim Weeks - Come On Up.
April 22, 2013

The way of a disciple of Christ is to step up into the storms of life and see what God will do. We can all too often opt to hide in the background, live life in anonymity, and let life just pass us by. But that is not what God is calling us to do. He want

Alive - Week 3 - He’s Already on the Way.
April 14, 2013

The final resurrection performed by Jesus in the Gospels is found in Luke 7. Jesus has just finished healing the servant of the Centurion in Capernaum. The next day, He travels to a small village nearly 30 miles away called Nein. Nein is a seemingly insig

Alive - Week 2
April 08, 2013

Mark 5 has a remarkable story of Jesus’ compassion in the face of death. A Jewish leader named Jarius comes to Jesus to plead for his daughter’s life. Jesus has just arrived; there is a huge crowd to greet Him. Jairus falls to his knees in front

Easter Sunday 2013 - Second Service
March 31, 2013

John wrote about 7 signs that would point to Jesus as being the Son of God. The last sign was the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead. This sign marked the moment when the religious crowd determined to have Jesus killed. It was also the moment that Jesu