C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Latest Episodes

Easter Sunday 2013 - First Service
March 31, 2013

John wrote about 7 signs that would point to Jesus as being the Son of God. The last sign was the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead. This sign marked the moment when the religious crowd determined to have Jesus killed. It was also the moment that Jesu

Good Friday - 2013
March 29, 2013

Good Friday is the center of the Christian Experience. It is the moment when 500 years of prophesy come to fruition. There are 326 messianic prophesies that come to pass in a 36 hour period—from the Garden to Jesus’ death. The odds of this happe

Sacrifice - Ps C. Keith Edwards - 2nd Service
March 24, 2013

There is a difference between leaving a church and being sent out from a church. People who leave a church—even those with the best intentions to do great works for God—go without the blessing and anointing of the sent. Those who are sent are do

Sacrifice - Ps C. Keith Edwards - 1st Service
March 24, 2013

There are two points of sacrifice that we need to consider. The first is that the level of victory in your life is determined by the degree for which you are willing to sacrifice. The second is that the level of your love will determine how much you are w

Sacrifice - Part 2
March 21, 2013

Genesis 15 has a fascinating story of God cutting a covenant with Himself on behalf of the world. When reading the story, the surface tale almost makes it seem that Abraham and God are cutting a covenant together. Abraham, the father of faith, finds himse

Sacrifice - Part 1
March 10, 2013

The shedding of Blood to cover sins is an established principle that runs throughout the Bible from Adam and Even to Jesus. It all began in the Garden. Genesis 2, 3, and 4 tell the story of the fall of man and the introduction of the sacrifice. Adam and E

Vision Builders - part 5
March 03, 2013

Jesus tells an interesting parable at the end of Luke 5. He has just called Levi (Matthew) to be His disciple. Levi was one of the most despised people in Israel. He was a tax collector for Rome. He was seen as a traitor and a crook. He would collect the

Vision Builders - part 4 (Jill Sweetman)
February 24, 2013

God created the earth out of a vision. Before He spoke and the world was, He imagined what it would be like. He saw what He wanted and moved to make it happen. His vision for the earth came in stages. First He created light. Then He separated the waters.

Vision Builders - part 3
February 17, 2013

The tithe is one of the most debated points in Christianity today. It dates back long before the Law of Moses was established. The story is found in Genesis 14. Abram has just one a massive victory against 5 kings. He has plundered their kingdoms and come

Vision Builders - part 2
February 10, 2013

Vision is the spice of life. People who are frustrated with their lives are people who are not grafted into a vision. Visionaries see what is going to happen. Vision is faith with pictures. Vision is the outcome, not the beginning, of what God is going to