Maxwell Institute Podcast

Maxwell Institute Podcast

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Maxwell Institute Podcast #140: Prodigals All, with Spencer Fluhman
April 12, 2022

When we begin to see ourselves as the prodigal in that famed biblical parable, we are better able to minister to that prodigal daughter or that prodigal father. When we see them as in process and rec

Abide: Exodus 14-17
April 07, 2022

In some ways, Israel has to be feeling pretty great in Exodus 14-17. Theyre finally escaping enslavement and have been delivered by God through His prophet. On the other hand, they are also between P

Abide: Exodus 7-13
March 31, 2022

God delivers us. Thats one of the central takeaways of Exoduss story. But what do we do to ensure that we remember that takeaway? In this episode of Abide: A Maxwell Institute Podcast, we discuss wh

Abide: Exodus 1-6
March 24, 2022

Exodus: a movement of the people. As we move into the second book of the Tanak, or Old Testament, we have more than a movement of people. We have a flurry of new people, ideas, and we see Jehovahs mi

Abide: Genesis 42-50
March 18, 2022

Throughout the Old Testament we learn much about the relationships of tribes, clans, and family groups. We began discussing Israels family in the last episode, focusing on Joseph, the favored son sol

Genesis 37-41
March 10, 2022

The version of Joseph in Egypt I got growing up was shaped heavily by Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Despite the delightful music and vivid color, theres far more to the Joseph narrati

Maxwell Institute Podcast #139: The Original Manuscript of the Book of Mormon, with Robin Scott Jensen
March 08, 2022

Volume 5 of the Revelations and Translations series from the Joseph Smith Papers Project presents all extant fragments of the original manuscript of the Book of Mormon. For the first time ever, resear

Abide: Genesis 28-33
March 03, 2022

Readers of the Tanak or Old Testament see that The Lord marks Israel as a chosen people. Modern Latter-day Saints identify with being a peculiar people. But what does it mean to be a chosen people?

Abide: Genesis 24-27
February 24, 2022

As Genesis marches on we are introduced to new people, whose lives are in some ways different than our own, but in many ways are similar. In this episode of Abide: A Maxwell Institute Podcast, we me

Maxwell Institute Podcast #138: The Biography of Margarito Bautista, with Elisa Eastwood Pulido
February 22, 2022

Today, Dr. Elisa Eastwood Pulido joins us to discuss her book, The Spiritual Evolution of Margarito Bautista: Mexican Mormon Evangelizer, Polygamist Dissident, and Utopian Founder, 1878-1961 (Oxford U