Maxwell Institute Podcast

Maxwell Institute Podcast

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MIConversations #1—George Handley and Terryl Givens, “Can creation heal us?”
May 27, 2018

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Milton and early Mormonism, with John Rogers [MIPodcast #79]
May 08, 2018

Americans in the early nineteenth century loved the writing of John Milton. Milton’s embrace of liberal individualism, meritocracy, and his championing of the right to free speech made him an easy sel

The development of LDS liturgy and cosmology, with Jonathan Stapley [MIPodcast #78]
April 17, 2018

Latter-day Saint historians have long demonstrated that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was not established all at once, but that it has unfolded—line upon line, precept upon precept,

Billy Graham and the shaping of a nation, with Grant Wacker [MIPodcast #77]
March 09, 2018

The Reverend Billy Graham rose to international prominence in the 1940s preaching an evangelical Christian gospel. Hailing from North Carolina, the charismatic preacher filled stadiums, counseled Amer

Adam Miller on more Letters to a Young Mormon [MIPodcast #76]
February 13, 2018

Adam Miller wrote Letters to a Young Mormon for thoughtful people yearning for a more thoughtful faith. It's a little book, but it packs a powerful punch. In this episode, Miller is talks about the ne

“To be learned is good,” with Richard Bushman [MIPodcast #75]
January 23, 2018

The Book of Mormon warns against mistaking intelligence for wisdom, but adds a crucial caveat: “to be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsels of God” (2 Nephi 9:29). Where LDS founding proph

Feeding the Flock, with Terryl L. Givens [MIPodcast #74]
December 08, 2017

Latter-day Saint scholar Terryl L. Givens is back with us again. Dr. Givens spent the summer here at the Institute as a Neal A. Maxwell fellow. It was a real treat to have Terryl here in the building,

Women and power in the Church of God in Christ, with Anthea Butler [MIPodcast #73]
November 17, 2017

If you’re familiar with African American religious history, you know that black women outnumber black men in the church. There are a lot of theories about why, too. Author Zora Neale Hurston, for exam

The Koran in English, with Bruce Lawrence and David Peck [MIPodcast #72]
November 03, 2017

When the Qur’an was revealed to the prophet Muhammad, it arrived in the language of his place and time—Arabic. To this day, for virtually all Muslims whether Arab or not, the Qur’an only truly exists

Mormon exorcism lore, with Stephen Taysom [MIPodcast #71]
October 27, 2017

The post Mormon exorcism lore, with Stephen Taysom [MIPodcast #71] appeared first on Neal A. Maxwell Institute | BYU.