Journeying with Jesus

Journeying with Jesus

Latest Episodes

Easter Day: Resurrection through God’s eyes
April 03, 2021

Easter Day brings new light and new perspectives. A new light is shed upon creation and fallen humanity as the resurrection reveal that death is not the end of the road. That the darkness of human suffering and death are not the last word from God. A...

Holy Saturday: Fallen and blind
April 02, 2021

Holy Saturday faces us absence, the aftermath of the death of Jesus and his burial is an emptiness. All sorts of inner turmoil is left without anything to focus on. Did it happen, of course it did, how could it have happened, in what ways did I...

Good Friday - Facing the Cross: Can all be Well?
April 01, 2021

Good Friday faces us with a profound and emotionally challenging reality – the crucifixion of Jesus. Julian of Norwich prayed to be able to be more present to Jesus’s experience, to share in the experience of those who loved Jesus and were present –...

Thursday - Jesus in the Garden
March 31, 2021

Maundy Thursday has many powerful moments for Jesus and his disciples. The last supper, Jesus washing the disciples feet, Jesus praying in Gethsemane, Judas’ betrayal and Jesus’ arrest. In this meditation, we focus on Jesus praying in the garden, and...

Tuesday Julian & Prayer (part 1)
March 29, 2021

Today and tomorrow in this journey of Holy Week, we look at prayer. The unfolding of the passion of Christ raises big questions. Questions about human life and death, human needs and depravations, about faithfulness and betrayal and denial, about power...

Wednesday - Julian & Prayer part 2
March 29, 2021

Yesterday we saw how Julian came to see God as the ground and source of our prayer. Today we look at how she portrays prayer as dialogue. A dialogue that from her point of view involves asking questions – whether its asking God for graces (like mercy or..

Palm Sunday: What Julian Prayed For
March 27, 2021

In this podcast we look at entering into Holy Week and our motivations for doing so in the light of Julian of Norwich's prayers that led her into her deep experience of God.In conclusion, these points to ponder and pray (based on Julian's prayer

Monday - The God Julian discovers
March 25, 2021

As we enter into Holy Week following Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, the Holy City where the temple physically represents the presence of God to the Jewish faith, we look today at the God that Julian discovers. What is God’s nature and how do we as human...

Julian's Writing and Spirituality
March 21, 2021

We take a brief look at Julian of Norwich's Writing and Spirituality - giving a flavour of her 'Revelations of Divine Love' the first work by a woman in English, and some of the hallmarks of Julian's spirituality.  I commend two books

Julian of Norwich - her context
March 17, 2021

Introducing Julian of Norwich and her context to you - giving a flavour of the era that shaped her life - the era from which she speaks to us 700 years later. In this podcast, I describe what we know of Julian (very little), her life as an 'anchorite'...