Journeying with Jesus

Journeying with Jesus

Latest Episodes

Introducing 'All Shall Be Well' - Holy Week with Julian of Norwich
March 16, 2021

In this introduction to the series, Nick Helm describes the way he will be using Julian of Norwich's writings to speak to us as we follow Jesus' passion in Holy Week.  

Beyond the empty Tomb 6: Paul on the Damascus Road
May 22, 2020

Acts 9.1-19: Jesus appears to Saul on the Damascus Road. The symbol I suggest you use with this meditation a blindfold or something you can use as a blindfold.Garden Music by Kevin MacLeodLink:...

Beyond the Empty Tomb 5: Breakfast on the Beach
May 15, 2020

John 21:1-17: Jesus invites the disciples to breakfast on the beach.The symbol I suggest you use with this meditation is a symbol of love. For the text of this podcast and commentary information about this series and...

Beyond the Empty Tomb 4: Thomas
May 08, 2020

John 20.24-29: Jesus appears to Thomas in the upper room.The symbol I suggest you use with this meditation is a nail or some other sharp object. For the text of this podcast and commentary information about this series...

Beyond the Empty Tomb 3: Mary meets Jesus
May 01, 2020

Jesus appears to his mother Mary.The symbol I suggest you use with this meditation is a symbol of mothering. Something that for you connects with the love, acceptance, nurturing that mothering has been for you. For the text of this podcast and...

Beyond the Empty Tomb 2: The Emmaus Road
April 24, 2020

Luke 24: 13-35 – Jesus appears to the disciples on the Emmaus Road.There are two symbols to hold with you for this meditation; a cross (which you may have from the previous week) and a slice of bread or bread roll on a plate.For the text of this podcast..

Beyond the Empty Tomb 1: Jesus appears to the Disciples in the Upper Room
April 17, 2020

John 20.19-22 – Jesus appears to the disciples in the upper room.The symbol to hold with you for this meditation in a cross. For the text of this podcast and commentary information about this series and the ministry of...

Introducing Beyond the Empty Tomb
April 17, 2020

Brief introduction to the Easter weekly series 'Beyond the Empty Tomb': Meditations on Jesus' resurrection appearances. 

By Stony Paths: Easter Sunday
April 11, 2020

John 20.1-18 – Mary Magdalene and the disciples discover the empty tomb. Mary Magdalene meets the risen JesusThe symbol alongside your stone is a candle, or if you are adventurous, a fire. You might like to do this meditation at the break of day, and...

By Stony Paths: Holy Saturday
April 10, 2020

Today is Holy Saturday and our gospel reading is John 2.18-21 where Jesus, having cleansed the temple, says ‘Destroy this temple, and in three days…’The symbol to go alongside your stone is an empty glass or bowlCheck out my blog post about these...
