Busy Ladies

Busy Ladies

Holidays And Celebrations Around The World

December 20, 2016

What holidays do you celebrate? Join Anaya and Debbie as they talk about different holidays and celebrations that other countries participate in. We found it very interesting to see if they celebrate Christmas like we do in the U.S. and what their traditions include. Family traditions are important to us and we share what some of ours are.

One of our listeners suggested this idea and she shared with us a little about the celebrations in her country of Thailand. They celebrate New Years on the 1st like we do, but their actual new year is April 13 which is connected to the lunar new year. They celebrate with water, and they actually splash it on each other!!!

Winter solstice is a celebration in some parts of the world, which marks the transition of longer nights and shorter days to longer days and shorter days. It has been a part of number of cultures. In India and South Asia, there is the 'Festival of Lights', called Diwali, which is celebrated to herald the start of winter. There is a 'Harvest Festival', which is celebrated in India and some parts of South Asia, which is referred to with different names in different parts.
