Fearless Business Podcast

Fearless Business Podcast

Latest Episodes

19: Creating Authentic Sponsored Content with Patrick Quinn
January 18, 2018

There's a myth within the influencer community that sponsored content doesn't do as well as other content. Here's the thing though: that myth is really not true, as long as the sponsored content is done the right way.

18: Masterminds and Accountability
January 11, 2018

The life of a solo entrepreneur can be isolating, at times. Without the benefit of an office environment and co-workers to speak to about the day-to-day workings of your business, who understand the nuances of your common goal—building and selling your...

17: Mind Your Mindset: Interview with Don Jackson
January 04, 2018

Being a business owner can mean doing scary things that fall outside of our comfort zones. A lot. There's the insecurity that comes before launch, wondering if anyone cares about what you provide— whether that's a product, service or blog post:

16: Word of the Year: Reflecting on 2017, Ready for 2018
December 28, 2017

It's our last episode of the year! The perfect time to take a look back at 2017: what we've accomplished with our business, what didn't work out and why, and what lessons we can take away and apply to our goals for the fresh, new year ahead.

15: Ask Us Anything: Influencer Marketing Legal Q&A
December 21, 2017

When we began this podcast, we wanted to make sure we addressed the issues we typically see— and questions we're frequently asked— when it comes to influencer marketing and the legalities that surround it. Soon after launch,

14: Goal Setting and Productivity for Profitability
December 14, 2017

You've decided to launch your own business. You're nervous but excited. You land your first client! And then another, and another. It's fantastic, of course. But you start to feel like your time is not your own. You're burning out. You're busy,

13: The Financial Side of Your Online Business with Cathy Derus
December 07, 2017

This episode is sponsored by Hashtag Legal. Taxes and accounting can be daunting for anyone. It's especially intimidating when you're flying solo with your own business, and when that business is in a relatively new space like influencer marketing.

12: Make Your Case with Case Studies
November 30, 2017

This episode is sponsored by Make Your Case, our all-in-one tool to help you create case studies for your influencer business. It's the moment you've been waiting for! This episode is the final installment in our series,

11: Let’s Talk About Podcasting
November 23, 2017

We interrupt your regular podcasting topic schedule... We know, you were waiting with bated breath and barely-concealed glee for the last segment in our series on 4 Marketing Tools Every Influencer Needs, and we're so very sad to disappoint you.

10: Closing Strong: Campaign Reporting for Influencers
November 16, 2017

This post is sponsored by Closing Strong, our mini-course that gives you everything you need to create individualized reports that will wow your clients. You did it! You landed that blog campaign and negotiated your price.