Fearless Business Podcast

Fearless Business Podcast

Latest Episodes

9: Master the Media Kit with Melissa Culbertson
November 09, 2017

We are affiliates for Media Kit Smash, Melissa's course that walks you through making a professional, informative media kit that gives potential partners exactly what they’re looking for. Go ahead and check it out. We'll wait. Last week,

8: The Power of Pitching: An Interview with Jenny Melrose
November 02, 2017

This episode is sponsored by Pitch Perfect Pro, a program that we're so excited about, we became affiliates. Pitch Perfect Pro is the only course you'll ever need to learn how to confidently work with brands. If you're hoping to make money online,

7: Disclosure and the FTC
October 26, 2017

This episode is sponsored by Hashtag Legal. Contact Hashtag Legal to set up a consult to assist with your questions about the FTC. Suppose you meet someone who tells you about a great new product. She tells you it performs wonderfully and offers fanta...

6: Intellectual Property: Products of the Mind
October 19, 2017

This episode is sponsored by Hashtag Legal. Contact Hashtag Legal to set up a consult to assist with your questions about influencer marketing contracts.  When we talk about intellectual property, we are speaking of products of the mind: ownership of ...

5: Essential Elements of Influencer Marketing Contracts
October 12, 2017

This episode is sponsored by Hashtag Legal. Contact Hashtag Legal to set up a consult to assist with your questions about influencer marketing contracts.  If there is one thing we want influencers (and all freelancers,

4: Legal Mistakes in the Influencer Marketing World
October 05, 2017

There's a lot on your mind when you're getting your business off the ground. And even after a successful launch, there's plenty to keep you occupied as you maintain or begin to grow that business. The last thing you probably want to think about is the...

3: Q & A with Jamie Lieberman
September 26, 2017

Now that you've had a chance to learn about Danielle, it's time to get up close and personal with Jamie. Like Danielle, you may have met Jamie in person at a conference where she was speaking, or have picked up some key intel from her appearances in w...

2: Getting to Know Danielle Liss
September 26, 2017

Some of you may have met Danielle when she was speaking at a conference, or have grown to have a sense of her personality through her appearances in webinars, on podcasts and other arenas online. In that case,

Introducing the Businessese Influencer Marketing Podcast! (Episode 1)
September 26, 2017

It's here! We have not been shy about our love of podcasts, and since the launches of Businessese and Hashtag Legal we've had the pleasure of being interviewed by many innovative, business savvy podcast hosts. But from the beginning,
