The GrowOrtho Podcast

The GrowOrtho Podcast

How to Implement Winning Strategies in Your Practice

October 27, 2023

Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca, an orthodontist with over three decades of experience, has cracked the code to growing an orthodontic practice. After a year in Illinois and seven years in a group practice in California, she took the bold step of starting her own orthodontic practice in Antioch, CA, in 1996.

In the first seven years of her daring venture, she experimented with countless marketing strategies to build a robust patient base and establish a firm foothold in the community. The result? A treasure trove of practical knowledge now compiled in her groundbreaking book: “201 Marketing Tips for a Successful Dental/Orthodontic Practice.”

Inspired by her father’s belief that everyone should share their expertise through a book by age 50, Dr. Gorczyca took it upon herself to bridge the gap in the orthodontic industry’s business practices. She saw an opportunity to share her insights and help other orthodontists avoid common pitfalls, and she seized it!

The Game-Changer: Persistent Patient Follow-Up

One of the golden nuggets Dr. Gorczyca shares is the power of persistent follow-up with potential patients. Did you know that patients who don’t start treatment immediately after their initial exam often do so 12-14 months later? Circumstances may prevent immediate action, but the intention to pursue orthodontics remains strong.

Ask yourself, do you give up after 1-2 unreturned calls? If so, you might be missing out on a significant number of conversions. Dr. Gorczyca recommends reaching out to these “pending” patients persistently, starting with a call two days after the initial exam, and then following up again two weeks later.

If the patient remains on the fence, the doctor themselves should take the baton and make monthly calls until a definitive answer is received. This persistence, as Dr. Gorczyca found in her practice, pays off in higher conversion rates.

Overcoming Fear of Being “Pushy”

Some practices may shy away from persistent follow-up, worried about appearing “pushy.” But let’s flip the narrative – isn’t this, in fact, excellent customer service? Patients often perceive far fewer calls than the office actually makes. In Dr. Gorczyca’s decades of practice, she has never had a single complaint about too much follow-up.

Your Action Plan for Orthodontic Practice Growth
  • Experiment with a wide range of marketing tactics, document what works, and don’t shy away from sharing your knowledge.
  • Keep potential patients in your radar and follow up persistently. Remember, patience and persistence can turn seeds into a lush garden.
  • Adopt proven management and sales best practices to elevate your orthodontic business operations.
  • Don’t let the fear of “pestering” patients stop you from nurturing leads actively.
  • Dedicate time for doctor-led monthly follow-up calls to convert more leads.

Whether you’re building a new practice or looking to grow an established one, these keys can unlock unprecedented growth. So, what are you waiting for? Take the plunge, implement these tips, and watch your orthodontic practice flourish!

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