Bullchat with Randy Paddock
Latest Episodes
Babychat 6: STFU
In this episode Randy chats about the art of shutting your mouth and opening your ears. How we should work on our listening and communtcating skills while we keep our mind open to new ideas.
Babychat 5: Am I Good?
In this chat Randy tackles the question am I good? This is a question we ask ourselves on a regular basis and can shape how we look at ourselves. The good news is we are.
Episode 18: Back In The Day
In this episode Randy chats about the glory of the late 1980s - mid 1990s. He gives his thoughts on why this time period was better than the present, and how popular culture from this era has comeback in present day.
Episode 17: The Darkness and The Light
In this episode Randy chats about the darkness that exists in the world. He goes into groups, individuals, and the self. On the flipside, he also talks about the light and beauty of the world. You have to know one to apreciate the other.
Episode 16: Sweetness (34)
In this episode Randy chats about lessons he has learned over the 34 years he has been on this beautiful planet.
Babychat 4: Simple Nutrition
In this episode Randy chats about some basics of nutrition. Simple things anyone can do. Easy things to start today to get your health and wellness on track
Episode 15: Get in where you fit in
In this episode Randy chats about airports, travel, and the importance of things feeling right and fitting together. Topics include work, realationships, gyms, diet, and mindset.
Episode 14: Good
In this episode Randy chats about the idea of "Good." This is a concept of Jocko Willink's in his book "Discipline Equals Freedom:A Field Manuel." Randy talks about how it applies to everyday struggles, big setbacks, death, and his personal experiences.
Babychat 3: Wauconda Fest
In this episode Randy chats about a subject near and dear to his heart, Wauconda Fest. This is an annual carnival in his home town, where dreams are made. He explains the carnival and proper procedure to navigate the 4 day ordeal with minimum damage.
Babychat 1: Uptown
In this episode, Randy chats about the "Uptown" area of his home town. The business, and what people did when they were there. Have a story, idea, or feedback? email randy bullchatpod@gmail.com